Chapter 3

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After the final bell, Maya slowly packed her bag before leaving. She made her way through the crowd and to her locker, only to find Andrew leaned up against it.

Spotting her, Andrew said happily,"Hey ready to get going? I thought we could grab some burgers on the way to my place"

"Y-yeah, sure. Sounds great." She couldn't believe her own ears. He was buying her food! Aida was right, this was a date.

Maya put away her books and grabbed her biology notes, shoving them neatly in her bag. Since Andrew also lived within walking distance from the school, they walked to the closest burger place.

They took their food to go and ate while walking. They shared fries and a drink, although Maya didn't have the courage to tell him she didn't like Pepsi. Maya noticed the sun close to the horizon, reminding her of the changing seasons.

When they arrived, Maya was not surprised by what she saw. It was a two-story, white house with flowers along the sides. Given that Andrew only lived on the other side of her own neighborhood, she was expecting this.

They walked up to the red door, Andrew leading. When he grabbed the door handle he said,"Welcome to my humble abode." Andrew held open the door for Maya like a gentleman.

She walked straight into his living room. It was very clean, with a theme of white. On a white carpet, sat a white couch and in front of the couch was a beautiful white brick fireplace. Pictures of a happy family framed in silver frames sat upon it. On the white coffee table were white flowers with a few pink ones scattered in. Next to the flowers were two books, stacked neatly. The first thing that came to Maya's mind was 'cliche', it looked like it should be in a magazine.

Aside from the looks, she noticed something else, something much more important. The silence.

"Um, where are your parents?" She hesitantly asked.

"They're on a business trip, won't be back till Monday. So we have the whole house to ourselves." A sly smile grew on his lips after he said this. While Maya was busy looking around his home, he was busy checking out her cute butt.

Maya turned back to Andrew as he quickly returned his gaze to her eyes,"Umm... so shall we get started?" She asked.

"Oh! Yeah, let's go to my room, we'll be more comfortable in there," he replied.

Maya's cheeks grew bright pink at the suggestion. In reality, she would be more comfortable in the living room, but she nodded instead.

Andrew led her down the hall to his bedroom. In the center was his queen sized bed, a deep red comforter on top. On each side of the bed were dark brown side tables. On the wall opposite to the bed sat his dresser, a tv perched on top. In the far corner was a door Maya assumed was to his closet.

Maya was surprised at how clean it was. She had expected it to smell and have clothes littering the floor. Instead, it smelt clean and everything was very neat.

Andrew sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him,"Come and sit."

She hesitantly walked to the bed and sat next to him, while still keeping her distance. She had never been this close to a boy alone before, in his room, in an empty house.

After a minute of awkward silence, Andrew spoke up again,"So then, wanna start?"

"Oh! Umm, yeah." Maya quickly got her biology textbook out and turned to the unit they had been talking about in class, cells. She started off with the parts of a cell and what they each do.


After school, Alex searched profusely for his love. Usually, if she didn't head home, then she went to the library. It was pure luck that he saw her walking out of a small restaurant. With him. He then followed them as they walked to the rodent's house.

Alex had to walk by the house a few times to look for a place where he could see inside. This was difficult as he did not know which room they were in. The light shining from a window was a Godsend. He saw his love sitting on the end of the bed with him.

Something in him broke when he saw the slight smile on his love's face. He wanted to leave and cry but stayed because he still didn't trust it with his fragile beauty. As they both leaned in he turned away.

All he could think about was ending his life and forgetting the pain he felt in his chest. He didn't even feel the tears slowly rolling down his face, covering his face with his hands to block out the world. He decided to walk his love home one last time before ending his miserable existence.

He was completely unaware of what was happening just a few feet away.


After a half hour of Maya rambling about cells, Andrew groaned. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Yes! This is so boring!" He said throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

Maya giggled at this,"I agree, it can be very boring." Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that it was already dark outside.

Andrew's face grew serious as he looked into her eyes,"You know, I could think of something much more fun than studying." Without waiting for a response from her, he grabbed her chin and roughly pressed his lips to hers.

This was not her first kiss, but she did not have much experience. This was the first time anybody had kissed her without asking first. Not knowing what else to do, Maya slowly kissed back.

A/N: Please drop a vote if you like the story! It'd make my day!

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