Winner Reacts to You Being Shy

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Request: Can I request a Winner reaction? What about Winner reacts to their s/o being shy

     Notes: I decided that I wanted to specify this a little and made it about you being shy, but his members want to meet you. So, it's basically how he would introduce his shy S/O to his members. I hope that's okay.

1. Jinu

     Jinwoo would think it's adorable. While he is definitely not shy, he's not always the most talkative person so he understands. He won't pressure you and he would probably slowly get you accustomed to his members one at a time. He would probably save Mino for last since he's so hyperactive.

     "Seungyoon is coming over for dinner tonight," Jinu offers you a warm smile," All of the guys have been pestering me to meet you but I got them to quiet down by letting Yoon come over."

2. Hoony

     Seunghoon is definitely more hyperactive then Jinu so he may not know a way to help ease you into the situation. His solution would probably be letting you meet his members in a controlled situation. Depending on your preference, you would all go out and do something together or maybe have a small meal at Jinu's apartment. He would be very attentive to how you're feeling, but he can also be very distractable. He'll try his best though. He hopes it will help you feel more comfortable.

     "Are you okay, Jagiya? Do you need to take a breather?" Seunghoon's voice is low as he squeezes your hand gently.

3. Mino

     Minho is like a trial by fire. He's the type of guy to plunge in head first, so he would start you off in an extreme situation and hope it made you more comfortable with the others. Probably, it would be something like going to an amusement park with all of the members so that everyone can get used to each other quickly. He's not really a subtle guy, is he?

     "It'll be fun, I promise. I'll stay with you the whole time," Mino pleads, trying to convince you to go," They're all super nice so I know you'll get along."

4. Yoon

     Seungyoon has it all planned out. He slowly gets you used to the members, one step at a time. He starts off by asking you to come have lunch with him. He'll introduce you to the guys in passing before the two of you go off. Slowly, the two of you transition to eating with the guys or going out with them after work.

     "The guys want to go out to eat after rehearsal, if you would like to come with us," Seungyoon offers, trying too keep his tone from sounding hopeful because he doesn't want to pressure.

A/N: So, I really hope that you guys will stick with me because I'm super excited to get started on this new book. I love Winner and I'm happy I get to start writing for them. Side note: Jinwoo is the cutest thing ever....

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