Winner Mino Series: Turn Off the Light *Part 2*

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Request: Isn't it such a shame that there's not a lot of quality Mino (or Winner) content this past few months? So this is my idea cause I'm a sucker for angst + smut combined - ready? okay. Please make a multiple part story (Sorry for being demanding, thirsty for sommeee goods) inspired by their song from new album titled WE WE'RE.

Months had passed since that first date and your relationship had remained steady. Any time he could spare was spent with you, enjoying your company and taking you on any dates he could. Tonight is the first night that the the two of you will be spending together, side by side in a bed. The idea both excites and terrifies him.

Your warm hand finds his once again as you lay next to him, your body curling into his. He swallows nervously, his fingers brushing over your cheek. They continue down your jawline as your soft voice floats around him. He watches your lips move, his mind seeming to drift from a peaceful evening with you to one of a different kind. A topic that he's too scared to breech.

His lips brush yours with the lightest of touches. Your smile draws him in more, causing him to kiss you a second time. This kiss is different than the last one, something deeper and with a completely different meaning. His hand cups your cheek, pulling you closer to him as his other hand closes around your hip. Finally, after what seems like an eternity of his lips pressing desperately to yours, he finally manages to pull himself away.

"We should stop here," He says softly, his breathe leaving him in soft pants.

"Why?" Your question shocks him.

This time, you kiss him, your lips moving desperately against his. His fingers knot in your hair as he changes your positions, his body pressing yours into the mattress beneath you. His lips trace down your jawline as his hands softly caress your sides. He slowly slides your large t-shirt off, his filled with nothing but admiration. He can feel your shyness but you are perfect in his eyes, a beauty without a single flaw.

He slides your shorts down and then his finger is brushing across your clit, causing you to gasp. Your back arches and the sound you make has him desperate to hear it again, his finger moving faster. Your body is shaking and all he can do is admire it, admire you. He gently slides a finger in your entrance, testing to make sure that you are ready. The moan that leaves your lips gives him confidence.

He slides on a condom and then he's in you, the pleasure of the moment almost too much to handle. He tries to start off slow and give you time to adjust but everything in him is screaming to go faster. He is unable to hold back, the pressure building in him too much to bear. His movements stutter and he finds himself unable to maintain a pattern. He can feel you letting go, sending him into overdrive. He's desperate to release, let you know that he feels the same pleasure that you do.

Moments later, he's in utter euphoria. You share a feverish kiss as his movements slow before finally stopping. Both of your breathing is labored, leaving you in short pants. He lays beside you, your warmth pressed against his as you slowly drift off to sleep. His face nuzzles into your hair as he takes in your sent, his body relaxing as, too, finds sleep.

A/N: I had a bad day today so I ended up falling asleep super early. Now it's late and I'm wide awake, so I'm going to do some writing. We'll see how much I get done before I go to sleep again.

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