Mino Scenario: I'm Sorry

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Request: Hello! Can I request a scenario with Mino from Winner where he breaks up with you because he thought you deserve better but then he regrets his decision

Mino sighs, running a hand through his hair. He had been jumpy and distracted for the past couple of days. Ever since that particular day, to be exact. His members vaguely knew what happened but he didn't want to be specific. The only member who knew exactly what happened was Jinwoo and he had tried to convince him that it wasn't a good idea. He was starting to think that Jinwoo had been right.

    He paces his room again, trying to clear his head. He wants to right the things that he got wrong but he couldn't figure out how to fix it. When he had broken up with you, he had thought he had done the right thing. You were starting to feel lonely whenever he wasn't home and he just... didn't want to put you through that pain anymore. Your didn't deserve this.

    Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He had to leave, to not be in these same four walls anymore. He grabs his coat, his keys, and his wallet, leaving the dorm and taking to the streets. He doesn't have a destination in mind, instead deciding to just walk until he can clear his mind. It's not long before he ends up outside of your apartment, which doesn't surprise him. Despite his best intentions, he finds himself walking upstairs to your apartment. He stops outside of the apartment, feeling like his heartbeat is the loudest thing in the hallway. Finally, he just knocks on the door.

    "One second!" Your voice sounds like heaven to him but he can hear the tone in your voice and his heartbeat feels louder," Mino? What the hell are you doing here?"

    "I just.... I feel like I can't breathe. I thought I was helping you but instead, I think I might be torturing us both," His voice sounds... broken. He just can't take it anymore.

    "You should have thought of that before you broke up with me," You snap," Are you drunk or something?"

    "Please just.... Let me explain," Mino begs, kneeling on the door mat," I just can't do this anymore."

    "...You have one minute," You say finally," From that side of the door."

    "If we date, if we stay together, there are going to be times where I leave you alone. When you are by yourself without me around. I feel terrible about it and I don't want you to have to suffer that way," He's crying now, tears rolling down his cheeks. He's shaking from the cold but he doesn't care," Why does doing something you think is right have to hurt so much?"

    His voice is muffled by the door but you hear every word. The idea of Mino crying breaks your heart but he had hurt you and you don't know if you can let this go. He waits for you to say something, anything. Your decision has the ability to make or break him right now.

A/N: Alright, that's it for tonight. I'm really, really tired and I hope this will tide you guys over for a bit. I'll try to post more tomorrow.

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