Chapter 3

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Charming fella, Harry Potter, really

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Charming fella, Harry Potter, really. He had a bunch of girls following him, giggling, everywhere he went ever since he and the youngest Weasley broke up. A shame though, should've kept her as repellent or something useful.

"Draco, Pansy's here for you." Greg poked his head into the Slytherin common room. Draco groaned, he had just reached the dormitories and now Pansy was already hauling him out of it like a fish.

"Fine, give me a second." Placing the muggle book on the table, he gets up and walks over to the door. "Pansy."

"Draco." The brunette glared. "Blaise-" "Told you about me teasing Potter? So you guys are keeping tabs on me, sweet Merlin." Draco rolled his eyes, this again.

"Did you hex his hand?" "What? No, I would never, especially not with that Azkaban warning on my back. What do you take me for? A fool? Pansy, you know me. It was just harmless teasing." Draco groaned, he hated explaining himself.

"Draco, I do know you and how rash you are. You always jump the wand whenever you can." Pansy hissed.

"Excuse me? Pansy, it's as if you have never met me. What's happened? Where did all this paranoia come from?" Draco peered into Pansy's face. She was being weird, really anxious for some reason. "Do you want to go to Mrs Pomfrey? You can get some Calming Draught from her."

"No, I am fine... I just need some sleep." Pansy sighed, placing her hand on her forehead. "Stay out of trouble, Draco. Please." She says weakly as he watches her back fade away. What was that all about? Did something happen without his knowledge? Maybe he should stay away from Harry, he's gotten in trouble because of Harry before. It was better safe than sorry, perhaps if he survive the final school year, he could become an Auror. His grades were perfect afterall. But he doubt that they would hirean ex-death eater as an Auror.

Walking back into the common room, there sat Blaise and Greg.

"Ooooh, is Draco getting frisky with the Golden boy?" Blaise smirked.

"Gross, you git, if you're going to disturb my reading session with your crude remarks, I'd rather leave the dormitories." Draco crinkled his nose as he grabbed his book quickly away from the table as if he would get infected with some sort of disease if he was near Blaise for too long.

"Aw why? Too frightened by the truth?" Blaise snorted, and Greg joined in too.

"Too frightened? Oh please, I have dealt with worse from McGoganall than a non-existent gay rumour." Draco rolled his eyes as he left the dormitory. Finally some peace and quiet, Blaise is back to normal at least. Maybe he should get some Calming Draught for Pansy though, she seem extremely anxious. Perhaps the war is getting to her head, shaking the thought out of his head, he bumps into a smaller but more built figure.

Dropping his book, it lands on the floor with a loud thud as he regains his balance. His blue, silver eyes met Harry's warm, green ones.

"Watch where you go, you dimwit." He hissed as he leaned down to pick up his muggle book.

"Malfoy? Are you okay?" Great, the one person he was trying to avoid. What was happening? Why was he bumping into Harry so much? He reluctantly stood up and straightened his back. Oh Merlin, their height difference though.

"Yes, I'm fine. As if a midget like you could ever do real damage to me." Draco snorts, he is so tall that he can see the top of Harry's head-or maybe Harry was just short. It was kind of cute, like an animal sort of way. Like protecting a small bird or something, he chuckled to himself, a puppy? A golden retriever seems to be a good match. But his hair... maybe a cocker spaniel.

"That's good." What? Wasn't he supposed to comeback with some witty remark? Heck, Neville would've been better at a comeback.

"What is wrong with everybody today?" Draco muttered.

"Why? Is something wrong?" "Yes, you're supposed to be making witty remarks. Stop being so sincerely nice, it's so... weird. Or maybe, you have grown a soft spot for the bad boy."

"You wish, Draco." Harry glared at him, silencing all passing students who were previously giggling at Draco's remark.

"Oh yes! I was hoping you'd say that, at least you, Granger and perhaps even Weasley are still sane. Oh, thank Merlin." Draco smiled, a very friendly smile, almost vulnerable. Harry has never seen Draco be so comfortable with him before.

"Are you okay?" Harry chuckled slightly, still genuinely concerned though.

"Yes, doing splendid now that I've had this conversation with you. But now, I must take my leave. Ta ta." Draco mocked Harry.

"It was once for Merlin's sake!"

"Sure, Potter, whatever swings your way!"

(Author's Notes)

Fun fact: Tom Felton is 175 cm tall whilst Daniel Radcliffe is 165 cm tall.

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