Chapter 38

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Blaise sat across from Draco, rather awkwardly

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Blaise sat across from Draco, rather awkwardly. The air hung low, still and intense. Where was Greg, you ask? Well, Blaise had enough of Greg and eventually Greg did something pretty stupid; he went into the muggle world in search of Pansy who had been banished from ever returning to Hogwarts or speak of it. He has been suspended as well, he was currently facing the consequences by his parents.

"I was correct. You did fuck the golden boy." Blaise snorted, breaking the off aura in the room.

"I didn't fuck him!" "Not yet you haven't." The pair laughed. It has been a long time since they bothered to speak to each other, each being caught in their own dramas and rippled relationships.

"Wow... never in my life would I ever dare to think Draco Malfoy was ever going to be anything more than a brat. Potter's changed you, Draco." Blaise smiled, a rather prideful, motherly smile. He was glad Draco was doing well, he was never a bad kid... just had no choices. "Not in a bad way, of course." Blaise laughed, nudging the now bashful blonde before him.

"Oh shut up, Blaise. You haven't changed at all." Draco scoffed before a grateful smile snuck onto his face. "I'm rather glad you didn't." He sighs, Blaise was one of his only friends who saw him for more than just a Malfoy, he saw him as Draco, as what he truly was.

"Graduation's in a few days... Are you still becoming an Auror?" Blaise asked, wondering how much has Draco actually changed.

"Well, what else can I do?" Draco laughed, it was a rather ridiculous question to ask. He's been hellbent on becoming Auror and nothing will ever change that. You see, his admiration for Aurors grew incredibly during the war, they fought for the right, they fought for everyone. This time, he was going to redeem himself. This time, he was going to be the hero.

Harry groaned, graduation was only a month away by now. He wanted to move in with Draco, but he didn't know how to bring it up. Yes, they're a couple but they don't talk as much as he'd like to. He didn't want to suffocate Draco, he knows that Draco needs his space and Harry wants to respect his boundaries but sometimes, just sometimes, Draco's cold.

The distance between them was not normal for a couple, perhaps it was because he was a Slytherin but even when Draco was with Pansy he wasn't this distant. Was it because he was with Harry out of pity? Was this all a large scheme? Harry sighed, his thoughts were getting the best of him again. Draco's just catching up with Blaise, with all that's happened they've drifted apart.

"Harry, I'm back." The same gruff voice called out. Speaking of the devil.

"How'd you get in?" Harry sat up on his bed, trying to hide his eagerness to jump onto Draco.

"Ron let me in surprisingly." Draco laughed as Harry walked over and peppered him in kisses. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's worrying slender waist. Frowning, Harry's green eyes bored into Draco's silver ones.

"Have you been skipping meals again? I know your grades are important but health is too." Harry reprimanded, making Draco sigh.

"I'm fine, Harry, I still eat apples for snacks when I study. Besides, I survived the war, a little hunger won't kill me." Draco ran his hands through Harry's thick locks comfortingly, he loved the attention and care Harry showers onto him. To be fair, he was rather spoilt now and it's only been a few months of being with Harry. Waddling back to his spot on the bed, Harry watched as Draco set his bag down and take off his robe. He was graceful in everything he did, it was mesmerising watching him.

"Draco... I was thinking... would you like to move in with me after graduation?" Harry squeaked, where was his Gryffindor courage when he needed it?

Draco simply turned around, his face as stone as the walls of Hogwarts. He never thought about it before. He was simply happy to be with Harry now, he's never thought about the future. When the shock washed off, a pink tone came to replace it on his cheeks. A cheeky smile slipped onto Harry's face, he definitely was going to say yes.

"Oh, wipe that stupid smile off your face, Potter." Draco turned away, obviously flustered. He always reverts back to the original sneering Draco Malfoy whenever Harry called him out.

"I can't help it, you're too cute." Harry teases, pulling Draco onto the bed by the hand. Draco was like a small child sometimes, he was childish and didn't know how to express his emotions. It was rather cute but at the same time, quite sad. Kissing him gently on the forehead, Harry smiles warmly as he looked at Draco. "I can imagine it already, having our own house somewhere across the land, having our own little garden of herbs and having little griffons whenever we pleased. I can cook and you can clean, we can take care of our garden together. In the summer we can grow sunflowers, in the spring we can grow daisies and roses. It'll be perfect."

Placing his head onto Draco's chest, he was slowly lulled to sleep by the sound of his boyfriend's beating heart.

It'll be perfect.

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