Chapter 14

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After a load of screaming and shouting, Draco and Harry finally managed to conjure a leash, put it on Harco and leave for the Forbidden Forest quietly

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After a load of screaming and shouting, Draco and Harry finally managed to conjure a leash, put it on Harco and leave for the Forbidden Forest quietly. With a bouquet of lilies in his hands, Draco set the flowers on top of the periwinkle flowers and grass, crinkling the paper slightly.

"Do you bring flowers every time you come?" Harry asked in an annoyed voice as he struggled to contain Harco.

"Yes, it's a muggle thing, isn't it?" Draco turned to Harry, raising an eyebrow.

"I... I'm not too sure actually. I've never been to a cemetery back in London." Harry's voice softened. Draco's facial expression changed as he said this, the bittersweetness in his voice was so crystal clear that even Harco stopped struggling.

"Did you never visit your parents?" Draco's eyebrows slanted in pity, his heart seazed up when Harry weakly shook his head.

"I never had a chance to." Draco's heart dropped at the sound of Harry so weak and vulnerable, his voice sounded like a twig about to snap. Draco picked out two lilies from the bouquet and set it beside the stone. "What are you doing?"

"Paying my respects to your parents." He grumbles as he plants the lilies into the ground. Taking out his wand, he casts a charm on it. "These two lilies will never wither now. Their presence will forever be locked in the flowers' beauty." Draco turned to Harry, smiling proudly as he glances at the other boy... only to be thanked with a tear running down Harry's cheek. "Are... are you displease? I'm sorry? I-?" Draco stuttered, creeping closer to Harry cautiously as if he was glass about to shatter at any moment.

"I'm delighted. That... that's really nice, Malfoy. Thank you." Harry snorts, seemingly snapping out of a trance as he wipes off his tears. Without msising a beat, Harco begins licking up Harry's tears. "Harco!" He laughs as the small animal begins to climb on his face. Draco smiles warmly, Harry's been through so much yet he's never seen him cry and for the first time, Draco made him cry, but of happiness.

A warmth bubbled in Draco's chest, it didn't hurt but it did feel weird, like there was pressure in his chest. It was a nice, comfortable warmth when he watched Harry smile though. Was this friendship?

"Malfoy, are you okay?" Harry asks, a smile still on his face but concern prominent in his tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Draco nods languidly as he watches Harry set Harco on the floor. Tucking his wand away, he follows Harry as he leads Harco around the place. Harry looked as if he was giving a tour to Harco, it was amusing at times when Harco screeched simultaneously with Harry.

After a while, Harry sat Harco down beside the stream for a break. Draco was busy looking around the forest to sample some plants to see if he can use it for potions.

"Hey, Draco. Remember Buckbeak?" Harry hollered as he reminisced the past.

"Yes I remember the bloody chicken that broke my arm." He growled as he sniffed a parsley. "I didn't know parsleys grew in the Forbidden forest?"

"They do?" Harry replied.

"This smells like parsley. Should I taste it?" "Did you learn nothing in potions? Don't eat any plants you are unsure of!" Harry grumbled, getting up and walking over to Draco. His eyes widened as he saw Draco, lying motionlessly with a half bitten parsley in his hand loosely. "Draco? Draco!" Running over to his side, Harry supported his head on his lap. "I bloody told you, you git!" Harry shouted at him. Harco came running over, staring at Draco in shock before he went over and started licking his face. After a second or two, Draco's eyebrows furrowed and he began to stifle a laugh.

"God damn it, Harco! I wanted to prank Harry!" Draco burst out laughing. "You should've seen your face! 'Draco!' Pfft!" Harry looked so offended, pushing Draco off his lap, Harry stood up over Draco. "Ow! Harry, it was a joke." Draco rubbed his head, sitting up.

"I was genuinely worried, you arsehole!" Harry growled. Sighing, he sat back down and stared at Draco. "Did you really eat the parsley?"

"Of course not! I'm not stupid." Draco holds up the other half of the parsley in his hand.

"Good." Harry laid down. "I was about to drag your butt to Mrs Pomfrey if you did."

"My butt only? Take me out to dinner first, Potter. I didn't know you only cared about that stuff." "Shut up, Malfoy. I'm tired." Harry grumbled.

"Tired from what? Get up!" Draco begins to kick Harry gently on his sides.

"Stop that!" Harry hisses, grabbing Draco's leg and pulling him down but accidentally tumbling over Draco as well. Draco looked stunned for a second before a smile crept over his face, he looked like a girl pinned under Harry. His thin, wipsy silver hair weaved in with the grass and flowers, his wrists pinned down underneath Harry's large hands, his pink lips slightly parted and his eyes widened. For some odd reason, Harry wanted to close the gap.

"Woah, Potter. Like I said; take me out to dinner first." Draco chuckled as a red blush crept over Harry's cheeks. Luckily he snapped Harry out of it before anything happened.

"Sorry." Harry croaked softly. Getting off Draco, Harry ran his hands through his thick brown locks, trying to think what just happened. Was it natural? Maybe, they were in the proximity for kissing. It was normal... right?

"Look, if it bothered you that much we can forget about the fall, okay?" Draco tapped his shoulder. Harry turned to look at Draco, his hair still had bits of grass from just now. Going in, he picked out a few pieces of grass. His hair was soft and light, what you'd imagine candy floss to feel like truly. It was like silk. "Harry, I think all the grass is out now." Draco chuckled awkwardly.

"Right, right. Sorry, I'm just-" "Tired? Let's head back. We can grab food first then we can go to bed. Or at least you can, I have some stuff I want to read before bed." Draco finished his sentence. Harry nodded, he was being grabbier for some reason. Maybe he was just sleep deprived, a lot of things have happened over the last few days after all. Grabbing Harco, Draco and Harry began walking back to the Slytherin dorm.


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