Chapter 39

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The white sheets on the bed crumpled around the two, Harry's head rested on Draco's chest, his arms wrapped around Draco's waist

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The white sheets on the bed crumpled around the two, Harry's head rested on Draco's chest, his arms wrapped around Draco's waist. Draco drowsily blinking, his hands languidly twirling Harry's hair unconsciously, his eyelids were heavy and his breaths were slow. It was a calm morning for the two, it's been like that for a while. Harry shifted, pulling Draco out of his slow trance.

"Morning." Draco smiled at his cute little boyfriend, kissing him on the cheeks. Graduation was only two weeks away and Draco honestly couldn't wait. He couldn't wait to be able to do all this and more with Harry, live life with Harry. Of course he never told him that, that's just... cringe!

"What's put you in such a good mood?" Harry chuckled sleepily as Draco peppered cheeky, light kisses along his jaw line. Place a hand on Draco's jaw, Harry pulls him into a deep kiss that wakes just a little more than Draco awake.

"You know what's in two week?" Draco grinned.

"...Graduation? You're excited for graduation? Why, I just never thought about that." Harry tilted his head, now that its working, and began to think. Graduation was in two weeks, of course Draco would be excited to leave; he's made lots of bad memories here. If Harry had gone through the things Draco did, he don't think he would even be sane now, let alone be such a wholesome person as Draco is.

"What do you mean you've never thought about that? I can't wait to get out of here and become an Auror! It's a chance for me to redeem the Malfoy name, Potter. It would be a fresh start out of this bloody place." Draco cheered excitedly, gripping his boyfriend's hand. Harry's heart crumpled a little, just a tiny bit; this was where they met, where they fell in love. Of course, it wasn't even that long, not even a year yet but did it make no difference to his experience here at all? "Of course, I really appreciate the fact that I met you here, Harry." Harry looked up, it was as if Draco had read his mind. That was really rare.

Sometimes, it felt like Draco hardly paid any attention or care to him so having him observe something was a pleasant treat for Harry. He couldn't help but smile at Draco's words.

"I'm just ready to get out of here, you know? Of course I've made good and bad choices here but that's okay, that's in the past now." Draco sweetly pecks Harry's forehead. Harry nods understandingly. Staring deeply into Draco's lovely eyes, it was as if he was staring into the sky, it was as if he was looking into Draco's pure, whole soul. Sweet Merlin, he was so in love with this man before him, it was maddening.

"What are you? Some kind of... God sent charm? Sweet Merlin, no love potion could make me feel like this." Harry cups Draco's face, pulling it so close that his breath brushes against his cheeks. Draco's scent was sweet, with a hint of salt... like flowers on a beach. It was a weird combination, but it works a little too good when it's on Draco.

Closing the distance between them, Draco slowly forms a rhythm as Harry recovers quickly from the shock. The kisses were sweet, but filled with love and passion. It was much too early in the morning, but Draco didn't mind; exams were over... classes could be compromised. Running his hands down to Harry's waist, he had to admit that Harry's body was worth drooling over. He looked like a delicious 8-pack candy bar ready to be devoured at any moment.

Draco pulled away, shocked at his own thoughts. Gulping, seeing Harry breathless with tossed hair was a little too much. He was going absolutely insane. Draco's only ever focused in studies in school, he never really succumbed to any sort of desire often; he never really had any. But ever since he's been with Harry, that changed drastically. Just a little deep, sweet passionate kiss could send him in a raging path of lust.

"What's wrong?" Harry breathes, his voice scratchy as he wrapped his arms around Draco's neck. Draco wanted Harry to take him more than ever. Maybe it's because he just replenished his energy or maybe it's because he is going into heat but he wanted to absolutely bask in Harry's sultriness, to melt into him.

Pulling Harry into another kiss, this one was different; nibbles at his bottom lip, how desperate his tongue was to find Harry's. Draco was almost too needy at this point. Harry was, of course, awakened and rather surprised at his boyfriend's eagerness. Harry always suppressed himself, not wanting to force himself on Draco. What made him snap? Harry might never know, he just wanted to enjoy the moment. Returning Draco's excitement, Harry began to push back against the tall blonde, surprised at how well Draco kept the rhythm.

"You're rather good at this." Draco smirked as Harry began to unbutton his shirt. It was seductive in a way, Harry's never touched Draco's shirt let alone take it off.

"Why, it's you we're dealing with here; you only deserve the best." Harry pressed his hot, swollen lips against Draco's neck.

"Are you saying that I'm important?" Draco chuckled as Harry's kisses slowly trailed down his torso. He was quite ticklish, you see.

"No, I'm saying you're spoiled," Harry retorted cockily.

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