Chapter 15

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Dinner went fairly well, Harry was conflicted as to why he wasn't grabby-grabby with Hermione or Ron but with Draco of all people

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Dinner went fairly well, Harry was conflicted as to why he wasn't grabby-grabby with Hermione or Ron but with Draco of all people. Not even towards Ginny he was grabby-grabby. Hermione, on the other hand, was extremely displeased with having Pansy in the Gryffindor dormitory. She was picking fights with everyone.

"How's Potter?" Blaise winked.

"Harco hates him, we're going to fail this assignment." Draco hissed, stabbing his fork into the piece of sausage as Harco sat between the both of them, chowing down on a piece of steak.

"I can't believe you named him a hybrid name. It's like you guys are actually a couple." Blaise sighed, petting the Griffon as it purrs.

"It was an easy choice, I'd rather not waste my time fighting with Harry since I'm going to be stuck with him for an entire month." Draco grumbled as he chewed on the piece of meat. Blaise sighed as he scooped a handful of mash into his mouth.

"Speaking of which, have you seen Greg? He's been with Pansy the entire time during dinner." Blaise grumbled, turning to the two who sat in front. "Pansy isn't even talking to him."

Draco's face softened as he watch Greg stare at Pansy eat, Greg obviously liked the girl. Poor Gregory, Pansy's a hard girl to get.

Harry on the other hand, was also misunderstanding things. Draco must like Greg, look at that bittersweet expression he has watching Greg sit with Pansy. It was the first time he's seen a love triangle. Wait... why did he care? He turns to Harco who sat patiently between Blaise and Draco, magical beasts are amazingly compassionate and smart. They're lovely companions.

"He can do whatever he wants, Blaise. I'm going back to the dormitory." Draco says as he picks up Harco, shotting a look at Harry, he leaves the hall.

"I'm going to go." Harry scrambles to get the napkin off his lap.

"What? Where?" Hermione asks confusedly. "You haven't even finish your toast!"

"To his boyfriend, look." Ron groaned as he shot a bored look at Draco. Little did he knew a sly grin had slipped over Hermione's face.

"Ah, I see. Well, have fun." Hermione giggles, smacking Harry on the back.

"Huh? Wha- I'm not dating Draco! We're just working on an assignment together like you and Pansy." Harry defensively retorts as he feels a tightness form around his chest. Draco had already left the great hall by the time Hermione's smile faltered.

"Me and Pansy are not on such great terms. Just go." Hermione winked as she gave Harry a good shove before he could even say anything else. Walking out of the Great hall, immediately he was ambushed by Harco who jumped on him.

"Harry! Harco's on the loose-" "Yeah, I've got him." Harry chuckled, holding up the struggling griffon. Draco let out a loud sigh before taking the griffon away from Harry.

"I'd say you guys are getting along better now." Draco chuckled as Harco nuzzles him gently. Harry nods, his heart doing flips at the sight of Draco smiling for some reason.

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