Chapter 36

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Harco was growing at a monstrous pace, it was hard to keep Harco under control despite him being really trained

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Harco was growing at a monstrous pace, it was hard to keep Harco under control despite him being really trained. Harry threw himself onto the bed, extremely tired in general. Sitting up, Draco was nowhere in sight. For a brief moment of anxiety, Harry's eyes darted around the room. Draco's books were untouched, so was his bed - had he been out the entire day? Draco didn't tell him he was going out. Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up, his joints ached and his muscles protested but he didn't care, he wanted to know where Draco was this instant.

"Harco, here boy!" Harry whistled, attracting the attention of the griffon who laid in the corner. Harco was now the size of a full grown golden retriever in a span of nearly an entire month, that was incredible but at the same time terrifying. "Find Draco and bring him to me, okay?" Harry smiled as Harco nodded before spreading his beautiful white wings and flying off. It never gets old. Harco loved the quidditch team, the team could've felt the same way. Heck, Harry might even get replaced by Harco. Grabbing some clothes, Draco would probably appreciate it heaps if Harry didn't make the entire room muddy with his disgusting sweaty uniform and quidditch gear.

Draco sighed, after hearing the entire story out loud, he realised how much he had been neglecting his own friends. Something switched in him, he felt bad. Before the war, before he was a Death Eater, he wouldn't even bat an eye at this situation. He didn't owe them his time or his company, why should he feel bad? Holding his head, Draco understood that he was distancing himself away from Blaise more and more lately. Perhaps, after the assignment they would become close again.

A strong gust of wind hit Draco as he heard loud, distanced flutters. A single, pure white feather gently landed next to him as he looked up.

"Harco!" He smiled as the griffon headed straight for him. Purring loudly, Harco snuggled up to the pureblood almost immediately. Harco was a lovely child, if it wasn't for Harry's training; he could've never managed to make Harco so lovely alone. "Did Potter send you here?" Draco asked in a sweet voice, gently scratching behind the griffon's ear.

"Of course I did." Harry came out of nowhere, making Draco jump slightly. He was going to take a shower but he knew that Draco was feeling not okay - it just felt like that. Sitting next to Draco, Harry slips Draco's free cold, slender hands into his. Draco truly looked like a doll, pale smooth skin, glossy pink lips that looks like its been painted on; he was crafted by the finest craftsman.

"Did I worry you? Have some faith in me, Potter, I won't die." Draco rolled his eyes as he continued to pamper Harco.

"I know you won't. You better not. How disappointing would it have been if my saviour died of poisonous mushrooms?" Harry scoffed, making Draco smile slightly.

"I suppose that would break your heart." Draco teased. Harry's smile faltered slightly before he gripped Draco's hand a little tighter.

"If you had actually died, Draco. Not only would my heart break; so would I." Harry says in a serious tone, throwing Draco off. They were just having a friendly banter! But... Harry wanted Draco to know how much he appreciated him, how much he needed him here. "If you're feeling bad, just talk to me. We'll figure something out." Harry smiled warmly.

"Yuck, Potter. What a softie." Draco gagged as Harry hugged him. Draco was mean, yes, he also didn't know how to show affection. It scared him... a lot. He was scared that he would get hurt, he was scared that he would hurt Harry. People who date, people who are parents are truly Gryffindors; bold, daring and willing to risk themselves. No form of magic could replicate that feeling of bravery.

"I know you love it." Harry chuckled softly as he nuzzled Draco's neck. Taking a deep breath, Draco didn't believe he was actually going to do this.

"I do." Draco gritted his teeth. Harry immediately pulled away with an amused smirk splattered across his face.

"Draco! Wow! I-I didn't know you had it in you to show affection." Harry teased as Draco frowned.

"Seriously, Potter? You are literally the only person I show affection to." Draco smiled as a rosy tint crept over Harry's cheeks. Draco smirked as he leaned over Harry, placing a soft kiss on Harry's quivering lips. "Who's the bold one now?" Draco challenged. A cheeky grin was all it took for Harry to pull Draco into another kiss.

Maybe it wasn't so bad to take risks.

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