Chapter 29

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Harry sat on the bed next to Draco's, the only thing truly between them was the horribly dirty curtain

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Harry sat on the bed next to Draco's, the only thing truly between them was the horribly dirty curtain. He was nervously awaiting the results, was Draco really going to drink the antidote? Anxiously, Harry fidgeted with the white bed sheets. Hearing a pop, the vial has been opened. His gaze immediately shifts back to Draco's direction, soft gulping was heard ever so faintly and finally a sigh.

"You should feel drowsy and when you do, take a nap. Tell me what your nightmares or your dreams are about when you wake up, Mr Malfoy but for now, I highly suggest you sleep." Harry hears Mrs Pomfrey instruct clearly. Not before long, the clicking of high heels were heard and just as Mrs Pomfrey was passing, she smiled kindly at Harry before she went out of view. It... worked. Well, Draco drank the potion, now it completely rests in Draco's hands to stay with or leave Pansy. Cautiously, Harry peeks through the curtains to see Draco soundly asleep. Colour was already coming back to his cheeks and Harry was very hopeful.

Not long after, Harry had dozed off over on Draco's bed, he was taking forever to get up and madame Pomfrey said not to rush his 'recovery sleep'.

There was sticky, gooing black stuff all over him, covering every inch of his body. It was so bloody cold too! Trying to claw the mysterious substance off his body, Harry hears a door creak open. Miraculously, he could hear and see still and that was a blessing. To speak? Nope, he tried screaming before.

Creeping closer, it was Draco, clutching his head. After a minute or two, Draco looks up and meets eye with Harry. Stumbling back slightly, Harry didn't know what to do but... walking towards him just felt right. As he walked up to the huddled boy, he gets up and meets him at eye level. It was fairly awkward, Draco just kind of stared at him... probably wondering who he was.

Gently, Harry unconsciously wraps his arms around Draco... just had an extreme urge to bring him closer to himself. Upon realising it's too late, he just sets his head against Draco's chest defeatedly, not caring whether Draco was homophobic or not; he was just feeling Draco's chest as it rises and falls just as quick as his. It didn't matter, this was a dream and Draco probably didn't recognise him anyways.

"T'is okay." He grumbles as he feels Draco stiffen slightly under his touch, he personally was quite shocked that he could speak but quite glad as well for Draco relaxed.

Seconds after his first dialogue, Draco peels him off his chest and held his head in his hands for a second or two before slamming his lips onto Harry's. That was quite a turn of events but Harry wasn't complaining.

It was sore for a little bit, he might've bit his lips but after a while things got pretty heated. His lips were swollen, breath was getting shorter. And the first thing that he heard leaving Draco's mouth was...


His eyelids creaked open calmly despited how spicy the dream was. It was rather awkward to have a wet dream while sleeping on a person, let alone the person. Feeling the sheets shift, Harry slowly got off the platinum blonde to see him looking around drowsily.

"Potter..?" He grumbles, rubbing his eyes hazily. His voice low and raspy from sleep. "Hm... what happened?" He looks around, fairly confused.

"Pansy happened." Harry smiled as he sees Draco realising what happened. He anxiously awaited for a response.

"Do I have to break up with her now?" He groans, clearly wanting nothing to do with Pansy anymore. A wave of relieve and joy washed over Harry as he pulled Draco into a hug.

"W-woah, Potter. Did you get dosed with Love Potion too?" Draco jokes, trying to push the bugger off of him. Pulling away, Harry wore a sheepishly cute grin.

"Sorry, it was torture for me to watch you and Pansy together." Harry declares rather honestly. For some off reason, Draco felt quite bashful when Harry said that - flattered almost. Shaking off the weird feeling, Draco returned Harry's cheeky smile with his own.

"Where's Harco?" Draco looks around worriedly, clearly not forgetting about his assignment. As if he could; Professor McGonagall's letter of recommendation would be priceless to have as an Auror, there's few chances he would receive one but he would have a higher chance if he got an 'O' in Transfigurations. Or rather, the blond was growing rather fond of the little beast.

"Oh don't worry; I left Ron and Hermione in charge of him for a little bit." Harry lets out a soft, slightly nervous laugh remembering Hermione screaming as Harco flew around the room while Ron desperately tries to calm both of them down. That happened in a span of 5 minutes so he left it in Merlin's hands to keep order for a few hours.

"Draco!" Echoed through Madame Pomfrey's office as hurried clicking od heels were heard, getting threateningly louder with each passing second. Both the boys exchanged a terrified glance as they both gulped, one awful name shot through both of their minds (for wonderfully different reasons of course):



Hello, hello, beloved Potterheads!

It is the author here to say that I will be slowing down on uploads since school is becoming quite a hassle lately but please be at ease that I will still try my best to upload daily!

Also, thank you for your loving comments and votes if you have left some! I will always reply to them because they motivate me so much and it tells me how much you guys are getting into the story♡♡

Please vote for whether you'd like me to write another Drarry book of this AU (a sequel if you'd like to call it) or not by commenting below!


As always, lots of love from New Zealand! ♡♡

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