Chapter 27

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Harry awoke to hyperventilating, gasps and some squeaks

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Harry awoke to hyperventilating, gasps and some squeaks. Sitting up, he reaches for his glasses in the dim lighting of the single candle on the nigh stand between him and Draco. He looks over at Draco to see him sweating profusely, his eyes tightly shut and his lips slightly parted, gasping and making soft shrieks. Sighing, this wasn't the first time he's seen Draco like this sadly. It was like watching him get tortured. He reaches over to Draco wanting to wake him up.

"...Hnnh... Potter!" He gasps softly, his brows knit deeply, contouring his face with shadows. Harry froze, was the nightmares of him? Curious, Harry decides to wait and see as cruel as it seems. "P...Pansy... no... stop!" Draco shoots up, making Harry flinch so hard he falls off his bed.

"...Potter?" Draco's face softened, his tone relieved almost before his eyebrows furrowed again. "What were you doing?"

"I... I was just... getting up to go to the bathroom and you scared me." Harry coughs, hopefully the 'coughs' hid his obvious lie. Draco tosses his head back into the pillow, he really didn't care that Harry needed a piss, he was just so tired of these... horrible, horrible nightmares!

As soon as Harry gets up, he sees how terrible Draco looked. His eyes sunked in, his already pale face got paler, to a point he looked sickly as if he was being plagued by something. If only Draco let him help, of only he let himself help.

Blaise kind of missed talking to Draco, recently Greg has been so moody since Draco and Pansy got together - he was just pathetic, constantly feeling bad for himself but not doing anything, it was getting rather annoying. He tried his best to be patient and considerate, but there's only so much moping he can take. He's told Greg thousands of time to either get over Pansy or go talk to her and hex them or something but no, instead of being a smart and cunning Slytherin he is supposed to be; Greg just mopes around even more saying how it won't work. Greg was smart and both of them knew he could easily get Pansy off Draco. Besides, Blaise missed Draco; he loved teasing Draco, it was refreshingly cute from such a pest-like person. It was fun to see the flip.

But something else was off; Draco has never presented his care for Pansy in a romantic manner, sometimes Draco even whined about Pansy being annoying or irritating and horridly clingy - which was majority of the time in fact. What sparked the change?

Walking into the common room, Blaise wanted to go grab his sachet that he had left on the table only for an iridescent heart-shaped bottle to catch his eye. Frowning slightly, Blaise had his far share of getting poisoned by one of his many fangirls. Perhaps it could've been something else? Picking up the bottle, he takes a whiff and immediately he pulls away, holding the bottle like some dead animal he was repulsed by. It was definitely a love potion, there's no mistaking that sickly sweet smell for anything else.

"Blaise, put that down." A shrill voice warns. Turning around, Blaise lets out an unamused scoff as he held the potion as if it was a prize.

"Oh, this? I was about to throw it out." He says with a scoff. Outside, he may be wearing a smirk but he was fuming and Pansy picked up on it. The atmosphere got so dense, suffocating almost.

"Give it back to me." She says firmly, her hands trembling slightly as she clenched them. She wasn't going to hide behind anything, she had Draco.

"Pansy... what are you doing with this?" The both know very well what she was doing with it, Blaise wasn't stupid. Pansy scoffs, looking away from Blaise as if she still had a chance of redeeming herself. She knows how pathetic her actions were but her ego wouldn't allow her to act remorseful or guilty.

"This... no, you are the reason why Slytherins are so lowly thought of." Blaise inches slowly towards Pansy, each step held the weight of malice against the hollow floorboards. He corners her against the shelf as she once did with Draco, holding the love potion threateningly as his eyes holds a menacing glint. This wasn't just for Draco, it was for Greg as well. Greg was way too good for her, their names shouldn't even be in the same sentence.

"You'd do the same." "We both know I wouldn't because I'm not a desperate rat who will stoop so low just for a moment's worth of pleasure and enjoyment." He snarls, his words pricking at her self esteem.

"Shut up! It's none of your business." She tries to snatch it off him but he was much quicker than her.

"It is my business because I know very well who the poor lad is and he is my friend." Blaise frowns, raising the bottle higher out of her reach.

"Since when have you ever cared?" She gritted her teeth, trying to glare him down but she understand perfectly well how scary Blaise can be when he gets mad but she will not stand down - even if it means pushing all the wrong buttons.

"I have cared for a long time, Pansy and I still do. So you can either fix this or I will." Blaise looms over the little girl like a horrible monster about to devour her. Gulping, Pansy snatches the Love Potion off of Blaise and immediately heads for her room but she doesn't go in without one last look at the agitated Blaise. "I'll be waiting." He says sinisterly with an ominous smile as she slips into the dormitory.

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