Chapter 28

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Draco woke up again, getting 3 hours of sleep before the sun came up and pestered him with it's hellishly bright sunlight

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Draco woke up again, getting 3 hours of sleep before the sun came up and pestered him with it's hellishly bright sunlight. Groaning, he forces himself to prepare for class. Harco was nowhere in sight and Harry was missing too. Ron was in the common room for sure, Draco caught a glimpse of him from the door... holding a rose?

"Who gave you that?" Draco asked curiously as he put on his robe, walking out of the boys' dormitory.

"It's Valentine's. It's for Hermione. I read about it in a muggle book somewhere." Ron smiled sheepishly as he stood there firmly awaiting his precious lover.

"Valentine's..." Draco grumbled, maybe he should get Pansy something but honestly, he felt like he was missing someone out. Someone precious to him just like Pansy... maybe Pansy wasn't in the picture at all. Clutching his head, he groans as an immense pain shot through his entire skull. Collasping, the last thing he saw was Ron and Hermione running over to him as an incessant high pitched sound echoed through his head.

"Where am I?" Draco hissed, his head stinging as he woke up. Looking around, it was Mrs Pomfrey's infirmary... except the odd thing; no one was there. Usually the infirmary would be packed but... not today he guess. "Miss, may I leave?" He called out only to have his own voice reply to him.

It was a rather sinister silence.

Getting off his arse, he decides to venture around. Truly no soul was in the infirmary. Opening the door, it lead out to a completely white room. His memories flashes back to that horrible dream he had when Pansy was flaking off. Just then, the horrible ringing started again. He wasn't going to pass out this time, he just... knew it.

An ominous silhouette appeared before him, it was not scary or dementor-like, it felt familiar. It had a kind aura and Draco was... attracted to it? In a loving way?

The thing was better build than him, it had loose curls and it had spectacles. Every feature was coated in a black gooey substance though. Standing up, Draco was a considerable amount taller than it. It gently wraps its arms around him and softly places its cold weightless head against his beating chest.

"T'is okay." It says in a rather distorted voice. As if... it was a piece of Draco's mind that wouldn't allow him to remember. Trusting his instincts, he turns the thing's head towards him before ramming his face into what he can assume is its face and kisses it. At first quite awkwardly, it was like kissing a dead fish but soon the thing replies and presses its cold... airy lips back. After a second or two, the figure's black mask begins to flake off just like in the first dream. Their lips were warm and tantalizing and their grip was firm against his waist.

Opening his eyes, the first word and the only word he had no expected himself to say, "Potter."

Draco woke up, much calmer than his last few awakenings. Sitting up, he was in the infirmary but in contrary to his dream, it was packed like he would've innitially expected. Besides him was a bouquet of roses, and a note that wrote Pansy proudly on it.

Just then, he watches as Harry runs past his bed only to come back... with a single rose.

"O-oh, I... I accidentally bought this for Ron and Hermione but he got one already so here." He says as he throws the rose at Draco before running off, probably embarassed. Draco himself was embarassed, blushing at the chivalrous gesture. But his happiness doesn't last very long, he knows for sure something will happen.

"Madam Pomfrey, please help him. He hasn't been sleeping because of horrible dreams that I know is from the Love Potion." "Well, Mr Potter, he might have a fling with someone else before he was dosed so that might be the cause of the horrible nightmares. His heart is not agreeing with his mind... I'll see what I can do, people on Love Potions are highly dangerous so stay back, Mr Potter." He overhears Madam Pomfrey and Harry talking. Sighing, why did everybody think it was because of the Love Potion?! Honestly, he loves Pansy... he did, he absolutely does... doesn't he? His mind felt like it was breaking apart into smitherins.

"Time for medication, Mr Malfoy." Madam Pomfrey says, holding out a silver tray with a single potion on it. "Well? Hurry and drink up."

Draco hesitates, he knows what it is already... but should he? Does he really like Pansy? There's only one way to find out.


Happy Valentine's!! Also Happy Lunar New Years! I'm sorry for the delayed updates, my laptop broke recently and I've been busy but I am back :-))

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