Chapter 1

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"Spector 5, watch out!"

Sabine turned, just in time to see a blaster bolt coming right in her direction. Dodging it at the last second, she nearly tumbled over a blaster of a fallen stormtrooper. She caught herself before she fell, and then proceeded to shoot the heck at the remaining bucketheads.

"Get your head in the game!" Zeb shouted at her over the roar of all the gunfire. "Or else you won't have a head!"

She nodded curtly, knowing that the lasat was right. This mission was already turning sour enough. After they had hacked and received the Intel, Kanan, her and Zeb had met up at the rendezvous point where they were greeted by loads of bucketheads. Hera was late to pick them up, due to the numerous TIE- fighters in the sky. Sabine couldn't care less. She didn't want to be here.

"Now would be a great time to blow stuff up, Spector 5!"  Kanan shouted through the commlink, while simultaneously deflecting incoming shots from multiple stormtroopers.

The Mandalorian felt her ammunition belt for her explosives. "Karablast." She cursed, before muttering into the commlink. "Errr, Spector one, I forgot my bombs."

"What??? How could you forget your main weapon?" Kanan exploded into the walkie talkies.

"I was busy, okay?" Sabine snapped. It was true. She had been visiting Ezra.

"That's no excuse!" Kanan shot a glare at her for a split second before slicing through clonetrooper armor. Over the past few months, the Jedi had become more strict, aggressive, and less patient.

She curled her hand into a fist, resisting the urge to scream in frustration. Suddenly there was a think coming from behind her. Startled, she whirled around to see a stormtrooper lying at her feet, and a furious Zeb lowering his bo-rifle.

"What the kriff, Sabine? What is your problem?" Zeb barked furiously. "This is Battle, not play time!"

Zeb's scolding was interrupted by a beep from the comm. "I'm almost there." Hera's voice crackled over the small device. "Spector One, you three ready to dock?"

"Ready, Hera." Kanan confirmed, as he stabbed the last buckethead. He glared in the direction of Sabine, irritated by her preformance in the fight.

A few minutes later, all three of them were on the Ghost, heading back to base. Kanan and Zeb had been talking to Hera, who called Sabine over.

Hera glowered at the young girl. "Sabine Wren." She used her strict emotionless general voice. "What I have heard about your preformance during this mission. Your carelessness, recklessness, and clumsiness almost cost us the gig, and your life." All three of the older members of the Ghost Crew stared disapprovingly at her.

Sabine bit her lip. To them, she looked serious with her helmet on. But little did they know, she was breaking on the inside. She remained unresponsive.

Hera sighed, expecting this. "You have to understand. You cannot- and I mean CANNOT make any careless errors on these kind of missions or else-"

"Or else what?" Sabine interrupted her. "I die? Is that really so bad?" She crossed her arms stubbornly.

"Excuse me?" Kanan raised an eyebrow, confused at what she meant.

"I'm saying that maybe living isn't so great." Sabine muttered, glancing at the ground. She begun to walk away, not looking back

"Sabine. Come back here." Hera ordered, but the girl ignored her wishes and walked into her cabin. A few seconds later, they heard the door lock.

Zeb, her and Kanan exchanged glances. What was wrong with Sabine?

Meanwhile, the young warrior was breaking down silently in her room. She didn't know that her heart was capable of feeling such misery...

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