Chapter 11

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"Spector five, what are you doing???"

"What you need is faith, faith that there is a long term plan that's bigger than you or me." 

"Can you explode something, Sabine? Like right now!" 

"How about we focus on NOT DYING!!!

"Hi, my name's Ezra. What's yours?" 

Sabine's eyes fluttered open from her dreams, and found herself gasping for breath. Her lungs burnt and she could barely feel her legs.  Her head felt like hell. Was she even alive? Was this what happened after death?

She entertained the thought in her head for a little while, but then decided against it. Death probably didn't hurt this much. Where the kriff was she?

The highly trained mandalorian tried to examine her surroundings but eventually gave up due to pain. Wherever she was, it was dark, cold, and miserable. She reached for her   belt and panicked when she realized that it wasn't there. It finally registered to her that her armour wasn't on her. 

What had happened?

"Think, Wren, think." She growled to herself, trying to remember what had happened. She had been on Mandalore, helping her family, talking to Tristan... And the bomb! There had been a bomb she set off! Memories came flooding back to her. Of course! Her heart sank with dread, when she became fully aware that she was in imperial custody.

Before she could think more about this, the cell door whooshed open. Sabine instinctively placed her hands on  the empty place where her ammunition used to be, and winced as bright light fell upon her eyes.  Holding her hand up to block out the rays, she could make out the figure of the outline of an imperial officer.

"Well, well," The imperial chuckled lightly at the sight of a wanted rebel in her custody. The pathetic scum was sprawled out on the floor, obviously suffering from her injuries. "What do we have here? Sabine Wren, hmm? It says here in our data of you that along with explosives, you are VERY handy with machinery. In fact, very good. That will be incredibly useful to our cause." The woman examined her datapad, nodding slightly

Sabine gritted her teeth, trying her best to appear strong. "Thanks for the flattery. But I will never work for you. My family WILL rescue me." She replied confidentially, referring to the Ghost Crew. "They always do. And always will."

This time, the imperial burst out into laughter. "How-" She wiped a tear from her eye from laughing too hard. "How can your family rescue you if they think you're dead?"

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