Chapter 3

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"Sabine," The girl woke up to a gentle shaking. "Sabine, wake up." She cracked her eyes open slightly to see Hera standing above her.

"Hera?" She mumbled the twi'lek's name. "How did you know I was here?" She looked quizzically at her mother figure.

Hera sighed, and answered plainly.  "When you were gone from your bunk this morning, I assumed correctly that you were here. Come on, you're needed in the mission room. Now." She crossed her arms, her face not showing any emotion.

"Okay, if I have to." Sabine reluctantly released Ezra's hand. She turned back to face the young man in the coma.  "I'll be back, Ez." She promised him, even though she doubted he heard her. To Hera, she said "I'm going to make a quick pitstop to the Ghost to get my armor on. I'll be there in a few minutes." With that, the mandolorian made her way towards the door.

The mother watched her daughter go, examining her. She hadn't seen Sabine without her helmet on for at least a month or two. Her eyes looked lifeless, like she had no hope. The girl was skinnier, probably from her lack of eating and her hair was in need of a new dye-job.

Hera exhaled slowly and sat down in the chair. Ezra's hitched breathing was the only sound in the room. The woman brushed the growing hair out of her son's eyes. He really needed a cut. Although the medical droids were incredibly useful for taking care of patients, they often weren't programmed to meet basic needs, like a haircut for example.

She placed her soft hand on his hollow cheek, and stared at the boy. His left arm had been replaced by a mechanical one. His scars were starting to clear up from his time in the bacta tank, but what pained her was the fact that they would  remain there, a reminder of the terrible events.

Everything was so unsure nowadays. They didn't even know if Ezra was going to wake up eventually.

She missed the way things used to be. Before this, before Kanan became blind, before they had joined the rebellion. Back when they were just  the Ghost Crew, stopping the Empire, assisting the helpless, and all while having a heck of a lot of fun at the same time.

That was back when Ezra was her little boy. He had grown so much, right under her nose. It made her so... Furiously angry at life that someone would do this to her child.

The woman always kept a brave face for the crew, but inside, her demons seemed to be killing her. After all, it was her who sent the two teens into that terrible trap. It was all her fault. For everything.

Hera rubbed her hands, tired. She checked her watch, and saw that she would have to start heading to the mission room in a minute. "Just stay strong," She whispered to her son. "We all need you. I need you. Sabine needs you."

Taking one last look at the unconscious young man, she exited the room and headed to the mission room.


To say that Sabine was surprised to see her mother  on a hologram call, talking to Mon Mothma would be an understatement.

"Mother???" She sputtered, her helmet hiding her shocked face. "What are you calling for?"

"Daughter." Ursa nodded at her, a solemn look on her face. "I have grave news concerning the war here in Mandalore."

Sabine's blood ran cold. "Is Clan Wren alright? Where's Tristan? Father?" She frantically expected the worst.

The older warrior shook her head. "All of us are fine over here. But we need you home desperately." Ursa looked at the girl with folded arms. Hera had just entered the room, and was witnessing this encounter.

"Why, mother, why?" Sabine questioned her parent. "Buir, tion'ad died?" *Mother, who died?* She switched to their native language.

Ursa sighed before replying in basic, so that the people around Sabine could know. "Bo Katan." There was a gasp from everyone in  the room. The Mandalorian woman continued. "She perished yesterday in the fight against one of the Imperial clans. We need you back here to claim the darksaber and unite Mandalore." She stated simply.

Sabine's eyes widened with shock. "Me?" She blurted out. "How can I do that now? I'm busy here. Isn't there anyone else-"

Sabine was interrupted by the roar of bombs coming from her mother's side of the conversation. Ursa raised her blasters, ready to attack. "We'll be expecting you." The warrior told her daughter. "Talk later when we meet in person." With that, the hologram ended.

There was a brief silence in the room. After a moment, Mon Mothma voiced her opinion. "Well, Ms. Wren, looks like you have a desiscion to make.'

Sabine glared at the leader. "What desiscion? I'm staying here till Ezra wakes up." She simply stated, not willing to be swayed. As she left the room, Hera tried to stop her but Sabine shook the woman's hands off her shoulders.

Hera sighed and glanced at Mon Mothma. "I'll go talk to her."

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