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"I really do love you Sage.." Kentrell said, holding my face, wiping the forming tears in my eyes. "You don't love me at all. How can you say all that stuff in the past? Like how Kentrell?" I was heartbroken.

I was really heartbroken.. deeply, especially back then. "Sage, people can say stuff out of emotion and don't mean that shit at all. I don't mean that at all. I don't really tell girls, I love them.. But I love you, Sage." I shook my head, I was full blown crying.

"How come you're expressing your feelings to me now? Is it because I'm carrying your child? Or you are trying to tell me shit, that I want to hear?" I questioned. He wiped my tears again. "Sage, stop cryin'. I just wanted ta' tell ya dat'. I always wanted too. I didn't think I could actually be in love with someone. I always been in love wit' myself fars my love life." I sniffled. This pregnancy is really making me very emotional.

"And nah I ain't tellin' you shit dat' you wanna' hea'. I'm telling you shit from the heart. I just wanted ta' tell you dat'." He kissed my forehead. I smiled a little. "Sage, honey are you okay?" Aunt Liv slid the patio door open, and asked. "Yeah I'm fine. We're just talking." I gave her a smile and nodded my head. "Okay. Everyone is waiting on you to open your gifts." I nodded my head, and she shut the door.

"Yo' stop crying at your baby shower, you ruining your make-up. You acting all soft and shit. My baby got you in your feelings." He chuckled, and took his hands off my face, and held my belly. "Yes the baby has been having me in my feelings. But I'm still that thug." I joked, and punched him softly on the shoulder. "Aww look at my pregnant mama." Mina opened up the patio door, and danced her way to me. She pushed K out the way, and hugged me. She bent down and kissed my belly.

"God Mommy / Auntie Mina is here lil' baby." She whispered, then rubbed my belly. "Mane, you always ruinin' some'." He said to Mina. She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. "Shut up, I can't wait to drop my baby, so I can finally kick your ass." I put my hand on her little belly. Mina was three months. I smiled. We went back inside but I felt an ache in my abdomen. I felt water leaking down my leg. I touched it, it was water mixed with blood.

"Oh my god Sage!"



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