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After, everything that happened, Kentrell and I broke up. We had a huge this argument and ended everything. But we agreed to co parent Kanari.

"Sage come on. Everybody is waiting on you." I heard Aunt Liv say. I looked around, and I slowly walked down the steps.

"Hey Sage!" I was greeted by most of my family members. I wasn't expecting a baby shower. I waved at everyone. "Look at her bellyyy." I heard Mina say. I looked down at it, it was huge.

But Mina hugged me, I hugged her back. We pulled away, and I seen she a had a little baby bump. I gasped. "What? Something on me?" Mina asked. I shook my head. I just hugged her again. This felt so real.

"What's wrong with you Sage? You just hugging up on me and stuff." She laughed.

"I hope I don't act like this when I'm 9 months." Mina said laughingly. "I'm just glad you're here." I smiled.

"Why wouldn't I? You know I gotta' support my god baby and best friend." Mina smiled. "You know I have to support my baby cousin. Heyyy." Audrey cooed. She hugged me, then she hugged Mina.

"Audrey, you next." Mina laughed. "Yeah right. I'll chop Ben's di -" She cut herself off because of Aunt Liv shot a look her way.

"Y'all know the rest, there HE go, speaking of him." Audrey pointed at Ben, while the others came inside with their gifts. "Sageee! Girl you got big." KD said, and his eyes widen.

"Shut up. But thank you for the gift." I laughed, then I hugged him. "There's more in the car but you know we had to see you first." Boomer said.

I gave all of them a hug but stopped, once I got to Kentrell. We stared at each other.

He gave me the gift, I grabbed it, but held it. "Can I talk ta' you?" He asked. "Sure." I mumbled. He sat the gift down, and we walked to the backdoor, and went outside on the patio.

"What is it?" I asked, getting straight to the point. "I'm sorry. I know I ain't say this much but if I did, I wanna' let chu' know that I still care about chu' and I still love you." Kentrell grabbed both my hands said but I slowly pulled them away but he pulled me close. 

"I really do love you Sage.." Kentrell said, holding my face, wiping the forming tears in my eyes.

"You don't love me at all. How can you say all that stuff in the past? Like how Kentrell?" I was heartbroken.

I was really heartbroken.. deeply, especially back then. "Sage, people can say stuff out of emotion and don't mean that shit at all. I don't mean that at all. I don't really tell girls, I love them.. But I love you, Sage." I shook my head, I was full blown crying.

"How come you're expressing your feelings to me now? Is it because I'm carrying your child? Or you are trying to tell me shit, that I want to hear?" I questioned. He wiped my tears again.

"Sage, stop cryin'. I just wanted ta' tell ya dat'. I always wanted too. I didn't think I could actually be in love with someone. I always been in love wit' myself fars my love life." I sniffled. This pregnancy is really making me very emotional.

"And nah I ain't tellin' you shit dat' you wanna' hea'. I'm telling you shit from the heart. I just wanted ta' tell you dat'." He kissed my forehead. I smiled a little.

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