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"Bae come on Wendy's is good and Taco Bell. Bruh I'm starting to feel fat now." I implied laughing. "Yo' ass like ta' eat na'." He chuckled. "My appetite increased, and they say don't actually eat for two. I do when I'm starving but I eat just enough." I reassured. "So what made you take me here?" I asked Kentrell, looking down at the lake, I was swinging my legs. We was sitting down. "I just wanted ta' show you, that good of the sunset." He chuckled, I punched his arm lightly. "You remembered what I said about sunsets?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah I remembered. I remembered a lot of shit you stayed tellin' me." He said picking up a rock tossing it, trying to skip rock. I had my shoes off kicking my feet in the water. It was clean and safe. Kentrell pushed me in the lake, I gasped. "Kentrell!" I screamed. He took his clothes off, and jumped in the lake. Why did you do that! You got my hair wet! Now I have to wash it, and do it all over again!" I exclaimed and splashed him. He was laughing, I was still splashing him with water. I was mad. I looked so cute today, I'm so mad.

"How you gonna' take your clothes off, if you wanted to go swimming, I could've took mines off!" I yelled. He gonna' swim to me, and tried to hold on my waist, kissing on me, I pushed him off of me. He was still laughing. "You had no right to do that." I retorted, pointing at him. "I'm sorry bae, let me make it up ta' you." He smirked, grabbing my ass, squeezing it. "Move." I smacked his hand away.

"You see that sunset?" He pointed. "Yeah." I nodded my head. "It's beautiful." I smiled a little. "Just like youuuu." Kentrell sung. I splashed him. "See na' I gave yo' mean ass a compliment and you -" I started screaming cause he was chasing me. I was laughing, he caught me and dunked me in the water. "I could've had a heart attack!" I shouted at him. "But chu' didn't." Kentrell said, with a straight face. "I hate you." I said with a laugh. "But I love you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him.

He smiled. "Aww." I laughed at him. "You know what movie I thought of being in this lake and forrest?" I asked, looking around. "What movie?" He asked. "Jason's Lyric. It reminds me of it." I giggled. "And they fucked." He always ruining the moment. "You do too much. You had to ruin a perfect moment." I rolled my eyes playfully and said then I took my arms from around his neck. "True." He said with a shrug. "Shut up." I splashed him again. "Yo' you gone stop splashing me mane." He wiped his eyes, and said sternly. "What are youuu gonna' do?" I asked testing him.

"Don't tempt me Sage." He shook his head and said while laughing. "I'm up for a challenge." I smirked and implied. "I don't know bout' that." He chuckled. "Mhm. But let's get out of here. It's almost getting dark and I do not want to see no big ass bear popping up out of nowhere." I said jokingly but serious at the same damn time. I swam up to the ladder, I climbed up the ladder. I was soaked and wet, I slid my shoes on.

"Kentrell what am I going to do? My clothes is so wet." I retorted. "Guess you gone ha' ta' wear yo' birthday suit." I flared my nose, he began to laugh. "Yeah right." I crossed my arms. He put his clothes on, and got in his car, starting the ignition. I gasped, looking at him. "Kentrell what are you doing?!" He closed his door, and laughed, looking back at me. "You think this is funny?" I asked, with my arms still crossed. He got me fucked up if he thinking he leaving me out here.

I tried opening the passenger side, door, he had it locked. I put my hand on my lip, tapping my foot against the ground. "You think this is funny?" I asked him, getting mad. He was still in there dying of laughter. He switched the locks twice, "It's not funny Kentrell! Open itttt." I whined. He wouldn't even open it. I didn't even have fucking shoes on. I started walking away. He followed me.

"Come on bae, why you walking?" I stuck my middle finger up at him. "Oh it's like that? Ight bye." He gonna' drive off. I was still walking, he made a whole U-Turn, and drove down to me, then parked. "Come on." He said sternly. "You was about to leave me!" I exclaimed. "Ain't nobody was gone leave you, I made a whole U-Turn, why the fuck would I leave you out hea'?" I rolled my eyes. "Says the person who actually drove off." I said with a fake smile.

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