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K's team ended up winning, while mine was runner up. Ximena and Boomer was flirting lowkey. I peep some of it. She gone have to figure out who she want cause one of them gone catch feelings, and I think the one who caught feelings, is Joe. Ximena probably catching feelings for both of them. I don't know about Boomer, he probably just wanna' mess with her.

Well I don't know, but Ima' keep it to myself until the time is right to speak up. We was all sitting down together at the tables. "They serve food and drinks here?" Mina asked. "Duh you see that bar ova' there." KD but in and pointed towards the bar refering to the drinks. "Shit I might get me a drink." Mina mumbled. "Nigga it's too damn early to drink." Boomer exclaimed.

"I want a virgin bloody mary." They all shot a look at me, looking at me like I was crazy. "It's a nonalcoholic drink damn! Y'all looking at me like I grew two heads." I retorted with my eyebrows furrowed looking back down in the menu. K snatched the menu from me, looking at it then looked back at me.

"You want it?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, taking the menu back, and scoffed. "No, I don't." I huffed then blow. "You got a attitude?" I ignored his question, and I plan on ignoring him the whole time. "Mina and Xim, don't they food look good? I want either their wings, pepperoni pizza, or oooh that CBLT / Club and then they Oreo Cookie Milkshake." I done fell in love.. I done fell in love with they food.

"Bitchhh I might have ta' cop that burger sampler." Ximena uttered, "Shit nah, they chicken wings. Or Old Faithful." I bust out laughing. "Yeah faithful, something y'all niggas need to know about." I heard Mina mumbled, only Ximena and I heard her slick comment. "What you say Mina?" Three questioned. "Nothing." She giggled, we had our menus up, laughing. "The hell is so funny." Kentrell snatched the menu again from me. "Hmph." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Hi, I'm Isabella, and I'll be taking you guys order. How are y'all today." Isabella, the waitress said. I'm surprised she wasn't fangirling. I mean it is some people who isn't a big fan of Kentrell. "We good, how about ya' self?" KD tried to flirt with her. She just looked at him, and put on a fake smile then looked at everyone else. "I'm fine. And what may I serve y'all with today?" She asked.

"I'll have that .. I was gonna' get pizza but I want that Big Tex, I want House Fries, but another side separated. I want onion ri -" Kentrell cut me off. "She'll have a side salad." I smacked my lips and looked at her. "Ignore him, I want onion rings, thank you." I smiled giving her my menu. I felt a whole burning on the side of my face. I didn't pay him no mind. "Okay.. what are you guys ordering?" She asked everybody else.

I tuned them out, and got on snapchat. I took an off guard with Mina and Ximena. Well Ximena looked, KD, Boomer, and Joe gonna' photobomb. I decided to do a live video. Somebody asked me where I was at. I literally had Quarters pinned. I laughed. "Ooh you on live?" Mina asked, getting in the camera, she took my phone. "Ooh Sage, some nigga said he wanna' be yo' baby daddy." Mina laughed. "What the fuck? Sorry I'm taken." I giggled.

"Let me see dis' shit." Kentrell mumbled, taking the phone from Mina. He smacked his lips, I guess reading the comments. "No nigga said that. Shut cho' lying ass up." He tossed her my phone uncaringly. She caught it but she was laughing. "Why you toss my phone Kentrell?" I semi yelled at him. I rolled my eyes, shaking my leg. I grabbed my phone.

"I'm about to get my own table." I said getting up, but was sat right back down. I crossed my arms, I ended my live video. I felt someone brought a chair in between us. "It's okay bae, I got chu'." Ken said, and he patted my back, then started rubbing my upper back. "It's fine, thanks Ken." I muttered. I got on my phone on Snapchat. Me and Ken took pictures, and Kentrell was in it, mugging.

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