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5 Months Later..


"What's the big secret?" I smacked my lips, asking Mina, Aunt Liv, and Audrey. They riding me around with a blindfold on my face.

"We almost there, girl you so impatient." Audrey exclaimed. "Audrey, when you're 9 months pregnant, moving around in spring weather feeling like summer, you tell me why I'm being impatient." I retorted.

"Ooh you so feisty. Aunt Liv, she bet not say nothing to me, when she see this." I heard Audrey say. "See what?" I was starting to get annoyed. Kanari was kicking me too much.

"Kanari, stop Mommy already annoyed with your great aunt, god mother, and your cousin." She kicked me again, just stubborn.

"You're acting like your daddy right now. Just stubborn." I sighed, and rubbed my belly.

"Sage you stubborn too, don't be talking about my baby." Mina remarked. I fake yawned. "I'm not stubborn. I'm just Sage." I smiled. I heard them smack they lips.

"Is this suppose to be a surprise Baby Shower? Cause I already had one of those along with a Gender Reveal. But can we get some Chimes after this?" I questioned them.

"Yeah YOU can go get some Chimes." Mina snickered. I rolled my eyes at that slick comment. "Whatever. Audrey? You want some Chimes?" I asked her nicely.

"Nope, since you wanna' get hostile towards me. And you're going to get Chimes by yourself." Audrey laughed. I huffed then blow.

"I guess. That's okay Kanari, they wanna' act all mean. We gone be eating good." I smirked, thinking about the food now.

It became silent for 3 minutes until I said something. "So um.. Are we there yet?" I asked. They smacked their lips. "Y'all don't say anything to her." Aunt Liv said while laughing.

"Aunt Liv, I'm starting to think you have a blindfolding fetish. You always like blindfolding me." They started laughing like it was when I was dead serious.

She didn't say nothing after that.

I heard the car engine cut off. "We here?" I asked cheerfully. "Nope." I frowned and pouted. I heard the seat buckles unbuckled, and car doors opening.

Mines unbuckled. "Can I take this blindfold off?" I asked impatiently. "Help her out the car. Make sure she won't fall." Aunt Liv said. I moved the seatbelt from off of me. I opened up the door and stepped one foot out.

I got out the car slowly, someone grabbed my hand. I felt the hand, it was Mina's. She started leading me somewhere, then there were stairs. "My feet starting to swell up." I whined.

I should've worn slippers. "You're almost there, Sage." I smacked my lips then I heard keys rumbling, then a door unlocking. We walked inside, it smelled good, and it was cool in here.

Then I heard a light switch. "WELCOME HOME!" I jumped at the sound of that. I hurried up and took the blindfold off my eyes.

I seen everybody was here. (Usual people around her.) They all greeted me, and hugged me. I smiled, then I looked around, with a questioning look.

"What's wrong Sage?" Aunt Liv asked. "Who house we in?" I asked. Everybody started laughing. "Yo' house." Kentrell chuckled. I furrowed my eyebrows, I pointed to myself. "My house?" They nodded their heads.

"Yeah, Sage this is your house." I covered my mouth, just trying not to smile so big, or to cry. "Go see Kanari room." Mina said. "Where is her room?" I asked, looking around.

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