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"Who gonna' sniff the diaper?" I asked, laughing. It was the dirty diaper game. "Some of em' actually look like shit." Ben said laughingly. "Sniff one Ben!" I pushed him to the table. "If this one snickers, I'm eating it." I bust out laughing. He sniffed it. He grabbed a paper, wrote his name, and his guess, moving to another one.

" Alright who's next?" Aunt Liv asked. Kentrell was shaking his head, me, Delecia, and Nisha pushed him. He smacked his lips. He sniffed one of the diapers, then took his finger, and taste it. "Ewww he tasted shiiiit." Jiggalo said. We all started laughing. "Shut cho ass up." He grabbed a paper, and wrote on it. Moving to the next one. "Go ahead Three." He walked to the diapers, he sniffed it, wrote it down. They all switched up. "Jiggalo, since you talkin' shit come smell it." Kentrell volunteered Jiggalo.

He was trying to walk away, but we made him go to the table. He smacked his lips and shook his head. He smelled it the diaper. "Alright! Where KD at?" I looked around, he tried ducking behind people. "Oh so I guess the whole NBA Gang has to smell shit. OKAY." He said sarcastically. "Least you get a prize! If you guess them correctly." We was laughing. "Montana, you gonna' go?" He walked over there, smelling a diaper. "Alright since we smelled the dirty diapers it's the girls turns! And Boomer, yo' ass ain't slick!" We went over there, smelling the diapers. It was me, Mina, Star, Delecia, Nisha, and Boomer.

As soon as I was about to smell the diaper, Kentrell grabbed it and mushed it all over my cheek. "Why you do that!" I was laughing, I grabbed another diaper and mushed his face with it. "Boomer. I will fight ch - Why you do that?!" We was all throwing the diapers at each other. I was running from Kentrell, he was trying mush my face again. "Stop!" I screamed, still laughing. Aunt Liv, was laughing.

I was starting to get out of breath. I went to the water hose. "I'd back up if I were you!" I warned him. "Put the hose down." That's something he should be doing. You'd know what I mean by that. 😂

"Chill out." I was about to turn the hose all but he hurried up and backed up. "Yeah that's what I tho - " I cut myself off from gasping. Somebody put a diaper on my face. I took it off my face. I looked to see who was it. I couldn't tell cause everybody was still throwing the diapers at each other. "Alright, since y'all done messed up, the dirty diaper game, Y'all have y'all papers?" Everybody looked for theirs. I couldn't even make my paper, he wanted to mush a diaper on my face.

"Well since that was an unfair game, the girls get to play another and the boys can't play this time but Ben, what's all your guesses?" Aunt Liv asked. "Twix, Reese Cups, Kit Kat, Hershey, Snickers, Milky Way, and 3 Musketeers?" Ben said. "Oooh Ben.. You would've won, if you didn't miss one." Aunt Liv said. "What chu' have Kentrell?" Star asked. "Ight. I got Snickers, Hershey bar, Twix, Crunch bar, Butterfinger, Almond Joy, and Mr. Goodbar." Kentrell said. "Nopeee. Almost good try though." Aunt Liv said.

"What you get Three?" Mina asked. "Ight. I got Twix, Snickers, Hershey, Butterfinger, Milky Way, Kit Kat, and Babe Ruth?" Three said to Aunt Liv. "You are correct. Come claim your prize." All the boys smacked their lips at him, he went to go get his big gift bag. "Baeee what chu' getttt!" Mina said running to Three. "Hell nah! I ain't sharing! Mina move." We all laughed how he was running from Mina.

We all went to the another table, "Alright, this game, you have to drink all of your milk in less than one minute." It was baby bottles, it wasn't really milk though. "Ladies are you ready?" Aunt Liv asked. We grabbed on to the bottles. "Ready.. SET GO!" We was sucking on the bottles. Mines was hard to even get anything out. I bit a hole into mines, and started drinking it faster.

The timer went off. We stopped drinking the bottle. "Alright set the bottles down." We sat the bottles down. She went to look at all of them. Star drunk the most out of her bottle. Mina was almost done. I was halfway there. Nisha and Delecia, barely drunk any of theres's. Nisha had a little more than Delecia.

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