Pre-Story Warning!

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my Reylo fan-fiction! Before we get into it, There are a few things I would like to mention.

No. 1: This story has spoilers for both The Force Awakens AND The Last Jedi. If you have not yet seen The Last Jedi, then the context of this story and its setting will be confusing as it is set during part of the movie.

No. 2: It may take a while for the romance to kick in, as the first few chapters are purposefully setting up the story to come! So please be patient .

No. 3: Any comments going on about how Rey and Kylo 'could be related' and that this ship is 'wrong' will be promptly deleted as Rey's parentage was revealed in The Last Jedi!

No. 4: Themes should be appropriate for all audiences as far as I am concerned, yet this will change if anything comes through that may need warning.

No. 5: As always, I do not own these characters or anything of the sort. All rights to their owners and all that jazz.

Enjoy everyone! And may the force be with you always

<( ^○^ )>

Vans_in_May xx

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