+ Chapter 8 +

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Barricaded inside her room, Rey sat on her bed with her head lowered to her hands. Hair shaded her face, making it impossible to calculate her state of mind. Her thoughts were bouncing from one end to the other, finding every possible thing that could go wrong for her now and exaggerating them strongly. Her breathing shook lightly with the movements of her chest, anticipation of what was to come choking her judgement.

Static spun through her ears, causing her neck to crane defiantly to one side. Her expression soured. She bit her lip. Kylo Ren was the last person she needed to see right now.

Kylo was standing in one of the corners of the hanger, his expression as broken as his soul was torn. He was dramatizing the situation, not understanding that Reys fire was a mistake. For him, this was the end of the line for them. He wanted nothing more to do with her after this connection was over.

As static plagued his ears, he walked off into a hallway to the side. He stood there patiently, knowing the further he walked, the more isolated he became. He stopped when the static fizzed away, and all that was left was a strong, heavy silence. He spun around on his feet, his eyes darting deep into hers as he looked her up and down in disgust.

"Ben, let me expla-"

"There is no need to explain. I saw what happened." He spat back in a cold and hardened tone. Rey was taken back, looking to him with breaking eyes and a confused frown.

"No, Ben, don't. I didn't mean to-"

"To what? Shoot me?" He took a daring step forward, his eyes never leaving hers. "Endanger me?" Rey blinked hurriedly in an attempt to speed her ability to comprehend the situation. Tears slipped down her cheeks uncontrollably as she felt herself losing the battle.

"No, wait. Listen to me! You are mistaken!" Her voice was desperate and her eyes were vulnerable.

"Don't, lie, to me." His voice was loud as he howled the words to her. His scour was impressive, something he had obviously done many times before. Even in a moment like this, she couldn't help but notice every feature of his face. The way his cheekbones brought out his eyes. And the way his pale complexion counteracted the darkened shades of his hair.

Rey now opted for silence, unable to formulate a believable argument. Although what she spoke was the truth, she knew that by speaking up now she would only make matters worse.

"I see through your lies, Rey. Don't think I haven't noticed the way you reach into my mind to steal what you can." He snarled, taking yet another step closer. Every time he came closer, her ability to see his tensed figure and strained expression became clearer. More tears slipped from the girls eyes, knowing that if they were able to recover from this, it would be a miracle.

"You know that's not true." She mumbled softly under her breath as she took her eyes away from his, unable to bare looking into the sadness and desperation his held any longer.

"But it is! Stop lying! Why are you lying!" He was yelling now, his angered figure taking more towering steps towards her. "You think you're strong, Rey? You think you're clever? All you'll ever be is nothing. A nobody. No one."

Reys expression hardened in pain as the last of the tears to spill from her eyes stumbled down her cheeks. Anger blossomed deep within her, and she felt the uncontrollable urge to draw her weapon. To strike him. To hurt him.


With that final word being spat from Kylos mouth, Rey whipped out her light-saber and pulled it over her head, ready to swipe. Within seconds, Kylo drew his in defense, igniting it in time to swing back at her as she swung at him. Right as the edges of their light-sabers threatened to touch, the connection snapped them apart. But with both their light-sabers withdrawn, they were bound to hit something.

Kylos figure snapped away, causing Rey to hit some empty boxes instead. She stared wide eyed for a moment as she watched the top half of the box slide painfully away, screaming as it made contact with the cold metal floor. After a moments worth of contemplation, she turned and screamed, throwing her light-saber into the opposite corner of the room. Her back soon found a wall, slipping down it as misery swelled in her gut. Tears streamed profusely down her cheeks.

What am I supposed to do now?

When Reys figure slipped away, Kylo was left to strike the wall as it was the next thing in his line of destruction. He took a moment to stare at the walls newly acquired scar, oozing hot coals as a result of the burn. He let out a scream of pain, swiping at the wall several more times until it was gushing coals. He stumbled backwards, leaning against the opposite wall, staring down the damage he'd done. His breathing was heavy and shaky as he thought everything over. He knew now that this whole situation had been a mistake.

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