+ Chapter 9 +

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This ones long guys! But it's worth it I promise!


The past few hours, not to mention days, had been silently painful. What had been days had felt like weeks for the pair as their brewing emotions simmered within their own minds. Nothing could seem to pull one off the others mind, and it was starting to drive them insane.

Rey had scored the Resistance a new base on an outlying moon. The planet it belonged to was hidden well, not to mention the system itself. They knew that for the moment, they were safe. Until their transport was tracked, they were safe. Rey, however, felt the opposite. Her stomach churned as she lay motionless on a mattress, her figure weak against the rough lighting. Thoughts of Kylo Ren plagued her, unable to shift away thoughts of him hurting her for her outburst. To be fair, it wasn't entirely her fault, but she knew that an argument of such wouldn't sail well.

Static hit her ears and she felt her body tense. For the first time in days, she was going to face him. Well, technically, she wasn't. But to them it was real enough. She sat herself up on the mattress, eyes closed as she felt the connection blossom. As soon as silence flooded her senses, her eyes shot open.

His figure stood before her, far to the other side of the room. She watched as his eyes scanned her over, a scour smudged into the emotion on his face. He sneered gently as he caught her eyes on him, obviously still upset about their last meeting. Rey quickly rose to her feet, unable to stand the fact that he was so upset with her. She wasn't sure why, but the thought of him hating her made her feel sick.

As soon as she had left the mattress, her eyes trailed his hand down to his light-saber. Wait, does he think I'm going, to hurt him? Rey immediately froze, looking into his eyes deeply, hurt seeping outwards. Caution was written all over him, his posture slightly hunched as though he were prepared to pounce at any given moment. His thumb hovered over the button on his light-saber that would ignite its rage. Yet no matter how determined he seemed, he didn't have the strength to press it. Rey took this opportunity to pull her hands up to her sides, open and flat in an act of peace or surrender.

"Ben, I don't want to hurt you." She cooed to him, her eyes softening as she felt her posture weaken and her frame close in on itself slightly. Kylo took note of her folding away, sneering again as he looked her deep in the eyes, an unforgiving stare.

"Liar!" He snapped, his glare eating hers alive. She took in a deep shaky breath, knowing she couldn't allow for him to win this easily. With a dragged out sigh, she pulled herself up and fixed her posture. It was decent now, showing a somewhat certain amount of respect for herself and where she stood in this.

"You know that's not true." She barked back in a confident tone, her eyes narrowing in a challenging manor.

"I know what I need to know." He snarled in response to her comment, ignoring the racing of his heart as it slammed against his ribs in protest.

Rey took in a sharp and quick breath, taking a step forward despite her every instinct protesting against it. She looked up into his eyes. Eyes that felt, not saw. Eyes that haunted her sleep, a deep swimming shade of hope that weaved its way within her. Her heart fluttered gently and picked up the pace, unintentionally causing her breath to hitch as it did so. Her words stumbled over each other a moment, making her feel a fool. Yet Kylo stood seemingly unfazed, awaiting her speech patiently.

"When you held my hand, I saw your future. Our future. It was clearer this time, and I saw it. The light within you. It's there, Ben. It's hidden, but it's there. You won't finish this war with force, but by doing what's right, leaving the First Order behind."

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