Chapter 14: The Forest

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Chapter 14: The Forest


Seth walked me home today, which was nice of him but I didn't say so because my dad teased me right away. I went upstairs to my room to do my homework, which I failed to because Kate called.

"What do you think of Eric?" Kate asked.

"He's nice. But I think he's been sad all the time today."

"Yeah. I think he has a grudge on Dreamland though."

I smirked at the word 'Dreamland', it took me a second to reply. "How come?"

"When he talked about it in the library, he seems so mad. And Dreamland is a pretty bad place for him. But his mom is from Dreamland. I think he knows more. He's not just telling us."

I paused.

"He's pretty cool though." I said, not knowing what to reply anymore. Then Kate laughed.

"You should've seen Seth's face when Eric greeted you. Seth be like 'back off, this is my girl'." she said and laughed again.

"Ha ha ha ha, Kate. L-O-L, very funny." I mocked.

"Seriously though."

"Shut up, I thought you have a crush on him."

"Yeah, a little. But you two are just so adorable when you hurt each other."

"Okay, that's very nice." I commented with sarcasm.

"Hey, don't forget. We're going to try to figure out the key tomorrow."

"The cemetery?" I asked. Seriously, out of all places, why there?

"Yeah. But don't worry. Eric and I will bring flashlights."

I hear a knock on my door and moved forward to it, kicking my bag halfway across the floor.

"Hey, Kate. I've got to go. See you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, sure." then she hung up.

I opened my door to see my dad formally dressed (in a suit and tie, of course). "I have to go." my dad said.

"To where?"

"Work business. I might be back tomorrow afternoon. So lock the doors and the windows, okay?" He said, then he leaned down to kiss me on the forehead.

"Don't forget to rake up the backyard before daylight ends." he said, obviously smiling, and went down stairs. I rolled my eyes. Does he really have to give me a last-minute chore?

I put on my sneakers and wore a hoodie. Before going outside, I locked the windows and the front door as I was told so. I opened the screen door leading to the back yard. The sun is still up, but will soon set down. I hurried up, took the rake and started... raking.

It took me longer than I thought. Because by the time I was finished, the sun was gone. I placed the rake back and started stuffing the leaves in a trash bag.

After a while, I felt a hot air pass beside my neck. I ignored it because I knew it was only a breeze. But that's weird. A hot breeze in Autumn? It's probably a day left until Winter starts. I kept on stuffing the leaves. I love doing this. I crunch the leaves before dumping them in.

I suddenly felt another hot air. But this time, it's a bit hotter. I fell back to sit down so I could remove my jacket, but when I do, I felt something furry.

I froze. Then it growled.


I immediately stood up and spun around. It was a wolf. A wolf. A wolf taller than me. A white freaking wolf is staring at me. I turned and ran to the screen door. The wolf moved fast to block my way immediately. I turned around so fast that I almost slipped. I can't even scream.

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