Chapter 11||"Good morning."

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Yes, go ahead, skim through the previous chapters because its been a bit too long and now you can give some peace to my inbox but I still love you guys, so yes, anamika is back.

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight"

-Perfect, Ed Sheeran

This song helped me get through weeks of hell also known as exam stress.

Enjoy xo

Chapter 11

I was grinning the entire way but as soon as I reached his bakery, the smile vanished from my face.

The door was already unlocked and there was someone inside.

Fuck, is it a burglar?

But there is literally nothing you can steal from an empty bakery other than I don't know, flour and cream?

I opened the door, tentatively and stepped inside.

My jaw fell open when I realized what was happening. Or more specifically, who has happened.

My brother.

Oh my darling brother.

I hope you have decided upon your coffin.

I sure hope you have.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

He turned behind and that's when I saw the flour on his hands and him wearing the same apron that Jeremy wears.

"No way!" I yelped when realization dawned on me.

Soham sighed. "I knew he wouldn't trust me alone with the bakery," he mumbled under his breath.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I whipped out my phone.

"Hello," came Jer's croaky voice through phone and I felt a pang of guilt for disturbing him when he was sick but this grave problem had to be solved immediately.


"He has to be there to help you. In fact, you both have to help each other, its a Saturday and it gets quite busy and you both are amateurs who don't know a thing about baking-"

I cut the phone on him and Soham smirked in return, "Good morning."

"Oh yes, indeed its a very good morning," I mumbled back.

He laughed. His laugh reverberating in the quite bakery and also sending somersaults to my stomach.

"Here's Jer's recipes. I'm done with the choco-chip cake and its in the oven and also, I'm almost done with the blueberry muffins now so you can start with the others."

"Cool," I said.

We worked in silence for a few hours while some music played in the bakery's radio till it became ten.

Time to open the bakery.

Right on cue, Soham turned to me, "We are ready with the first batch of almost everything on his menu."

I nodded before going ahead and flipping the closed board to show open.

Thank god that Jeremy is a clean freak and had cleaned up the floor the night before closing because I didn't have it in me to clean the floors too.

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