am i dreaming

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i looked up confused and realized that teedy wdas being held by my daddy and when everything came into focuse i saw the little boy sleeping in the rocking chair. i looked back up at my dad and rubbed my eyes.

"bea are you alright you were screaming in your sleep and you wouldent wake up for about half an hour" he said

" im fine daddy it was only a dream im fine" i replide still sleepy

daddy laied down with me until i went back to sleep.


 it has been a week since the little boy came over and evrytime he does i run up to my room and lock my door so no one will get me or teedy. right now im playing outside at the local park then zeke and his brother uriah come over. they are the boys that always take teedy away and throw him in the mud and pull me hair. as they come closer i run up to the monkey bars  and climb ontop of them so they cant get me or teedy. when ever they come to the park when im here i climb to the top on them and sit.

"he stupid come down " zeke said jumping up trying to get me.

"no your the stupid one you cant even get me up here" i said

"wanna make a bet little girl i can climb the monkey bars beter then you" he said trying to sound tough.

he started to climb the monkey bars when he gets puled down by someone but i cant see him. then uriah starts to climb as the boy and zeke wrestle eachother. i whimper as he gets closer. finnaly my mom comes over and picks me up and zeke and uriahs mother comes over to and breaks zeke and the boy up. just then a man comes over and grabs the boy by the arm and chastise him. when the man looks over at us i recognise him as my friends daddy. and my friends name is Will. he helps me when ever zeke and uriah try to take teedy away from me. i get down from my  moms arms and run over to will and hug him tight.

"thank you will" i whisper so only he can here

he hugs my back and whispers back " no problem bea anything for you"

will is the only one aloud to call me bea because we have been best friends since forever

sorry im terrible at title names but looks like WIll will be the aver in this chapter then toby but sont worry he will save her many of times in this story and i may do a sequle

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