why is this happening to me

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"well that because...... beatrice you lost you legs when the tree fell down" caleb said

i was crying at the time and my mom woke up and gae me a big hug which hurt and i cryied harder when she did gove me th ehug.

"mommy i have no legs how am i supposed to walk" i ask while crying.

"everything is gonna be alright beatrice everything is gonna be alright" she repeated

"where is tobias at is he ok" i ask when im done crying.

"hes fine he came to visit you earlier today and he got the cast off his arm yesterday" she said

" mommy how long has it been since i go here"  i ask knowing that i had to be inhere long

" it has been 3 months bea you almost died twice but they brought you back" she said with tears rolling down her face

"can tobias come here agai i wanna see him" i say

"of chorse i will call your father at work to let him know that you are awake and then i will call tobias' daddy and see if her can come back over for you alright" she says

i nod and lay back down and close my eyes because even though i have been sleeping for 3 months im still tired. after a short nap my mom wakes me up so i cna eat and it is hospital food so it tast gross and the only thing good is the chocolate frozen yogurt and the chocolate cake. about an hour later my daddy comes in and also so dose tobias and his daddy. i look at him. tobias' head is shaven to the skull and there is a thick scar on the left side of his head. then i look at his arm and it is still in a sling and it has a puppy dog on it.

"beatrice im so happy your alright and well" my daddy says as he sits on the bed next ot me hugging me. 

" im alright daddy and always will be" i say smiling hugging him back.

i look at tobias and he is smiling really big and his blue eyes are shimmering like the ocean water.

"tobias come here please" i say as my daddy get up off the bed.

he come to my bed and i scoch over a bit so her can sit down next to me and he climbs up. suddenly i hug him with tear on my cheeks. 

" i so happy ypu are alright toby i thought you were dead" i say crying 

he hugs me and has tears on his cheeks also "i should be the one crying bea you almost died if i didnt wake up with the tree on me and you being crusched also" he whispers

after a few hours tobias daddy leaves but tobias stays because my parents are babby sittin ghim and he lays with me in my bed until i fall back asleep. i only slepp because i get to wake up to tobias and not for the nighmears i get everytime i shut my eyes. why is this happening to me.

sorry if you sisnt like the plot twist i did this one for my cousin because she is 6 years old and was bornwith out any legs and she made me do this 

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