new friends

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after school me and caleb go to the park to paly. zeke, uriah, will, and tobias are already there playing on the monkey bars. i just look at them whishing i could do that stuff again. just then i see the three new girls that were on my bus this morning go to the swing set and there is one swin gleft empty. i think to myself saying i will try to make new friends that wont laugh at me. i walk over to the empty swin gand sit trying to figure out how to swing with different legs. just then i get pushed from behind and almost fallto the ground.

"why did you push me i know how to swing" i say to the person behind me.

"sorry i thought you didnt because you wernt swinging so i thought i would help" she says as i slow down to a stop

"thanks for tryign to help i was just trying to figure out how to swing with my new legs" i say pointing to my prostetic legs.

"thats alright its not that hard just swing like you always do" she says 

"how do you know its easy i have no more legs" i say

"well i may not have lost both my legs but i have lost one leg when i was a baby" she says pulling her pant leg up so you can see her fake leg

"wow what happened" i ask out of curiosity

"when i was only two a dog attacked me and bit my leg really hars" she says sittin in the swing beside me. "what happened to you legs" she asked

" a tree fell on me during a big storm here 6 and a half months ago my friend also got hurt but nothing missing" i say

"wow so if you need any help just ask me im your neighboor by the way and my name is shauna (you all thought it was gonna be christina)whats your name" she asked

"im beatrice its nice to meet you" i say and my brother calls me over "i have to go home by" i say waving to her as i run to caleb and almost fall tryign to stop. im still working on that.


it has been a week since i met shauna i also met her sister marlean who had no hand and her cousin christina who has no arm. they are really nice to me. christina and marlean are in my grade along with my brother, and uriah. shauna is in 3rd grade like toby and zeke. after school we all play at the park and walk home together since we all live really close to eachother.

the only problem is that peter and his friends, molly ,drew and eric, still tease me about my legs and steal my stuff. i hate it when they do that stuff.


"hey give me my bag back molly" i say running after her.

"you will never get it or catch me because you cant run fast because you have no legs" she laughs and it sounds like a pig dieing

i run faster catching up to her and pushing her down and grabing my bag then when i get up she pulls my hair and i turn around and bite her arm as hard as i can.and she screams really loud.

"beatrice prior stop bitting now or you will go to the principals office again for bitting someone" mrs. muskatelo the 5 th grade math teacher says.

i stop bitting and have tears down my face. "but she stole my bag and made fun of how i have no legs again she should go to the principal not me everyone thinks she an angle but she is a devil and she and her friends lie all the time saying it was my fault but no its always there fault and no one belives me not even my own family" i say about to cry. 

everyone in the class rooms have came out and everyone is staring at me i start to breath heavily then before i know it im runningout of the halls and away from school and i go to my special spot where only toby and i know of

END OF FLASHBACK-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

that is where i am now sitiing under bushes under the old oke tree. i can hear my name being called out in many different places. no one is gonna find me and toby wasnt at school today so no one will find me no matter how hard they look. after a while i hear sirens from a police car or should i say multiple police cars. i hear barking and yelling and a ot of noise so i just crawl into the hidding spot in the tree that i made a while ago. footsteps come closer and i cna more and more voices calling my name. just then i hear my mom and dad calling my name.

time laps-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

they have not found me and its getting dark and im growing more and more tired each moment as it passes.finnaly i fall asleep in the secret hiding spot in the tree. the next ting i know i hear russling and more foot steps. i keep my eyes closed hoping to fall back asleep

the next time i wake up there...............................

can you figure out what happenes next take a guss and coment

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