things will change

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when we get home caleb tells me to go sit on the couch while he gets our parents. i'm really scard that they wont beleive me at all and i wont be able to see toby or zeke or even uriah. they come in mad at me and caleb is standing in the doorway

" Beatrice Elizabeth Prior why would you get into a fight at school," my mother yells at me as i shrink back into the couch.

" I didn't mom i tried to stop the fight," i whisper scard.

"beatrice your brother told us you got into a fightat school," daddy says.

" daddy Peter and Eric were hurting Zeke and Uriah so I punched Peter and Eric ran off I looked to see if Zeke and Uriahwere alright and they wouldn't wake up then caleb and toby came," i say looking him in the eye tears ready to spill at any second.

" Beatrice are you lieing toy our father," mom asks suspisiously.

i shake my head," no mommy thats the truth,:" i say tears droping to my cheeks.

"alright we wll check with the school to make sure ," dad says walking over to the phone dialing the schools number.

i nod and go up to my room and look out my window and see Toby and Will playing in Toby's yard. they look up at my window seeing me and the wave me down calling me to come play with them. all i do is shake my head and close the grey curtians my room turning a slight darker shade of gray from the lack of sunlight. after an hour or so mommy coes and knock on my door.

"Beatrice honey may i come in please," she says with sweetness in her voice.

"yeah,' is al i say as i climb up onto my bed.

she comes in and sits next to me stroking my hair,"i called the school amd after they looked at some video footage they saw that Peter and Eric did start the fight and are gonna be in a lot of trouble," she says kissing my cheek," but you are still grounded for hitting Peter."

i nod and lay down on my soft pillows," thank you for believing me mommy," i say quietly sleep pulling me in.

she leaes my room turning my lights offand closing the door just as i am about to fall asleep.

TIME LAPS-----------------------------------------------------------------

i wait at the bus stop with caleb and will. everyone else had there parents drive them to school since its raing hard. the bus pulls up opeing the door as we line up.just like old times caleb sits in the back and me and will sit together in the front and listen to music on his i pod.when we pick everyone up the bus is crowded with wet kids moving around and messing aound.

TIME LAPS ATER SCHOOL ------------------------------------------------

today was like anyother school day. boring. it stoped raing around lunch time so me and caleb go to the park after school. i go to the swings while caleb go and plays wit his smarty pants friends. just then Peter and Eric walk up to me and say...

@fandoms4ever4612 helped me write this chaper and the next so these few chapers are dedicated to her.

sorry for not updating been busy and writers block. also sorry clifffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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