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Thanks to everyone for being patient.  I pre-wrote many chapters so I decided to do an early update. I was planning on waiting more time to update, but I was too excited haha I Hope you enjoy.
*****Jay's P.o.v.******
      It hurts to see how upset Ashley is. It's been a week since that incident with her mom and Robert happened. Watching her suffer hurts me. It hurts that I can't take the pain away and make things better for her. She isn't sleeping, she isn't eating, she just lays in bed mourning. I can't do anything, and that angers me. I hate what her mother did, she was selfish. If someone wants to take their own life, that's their choice to make. But how can she just do that in front of her own daughter. I think its complete bullshit. She apologized for treating Ashley like shit, and she says how bad she feels for what she did but I think its all bullshit. She drank because she didn't want to face the problem, I think she's all full of shit. She didn't give a fuck, she never gave a fuck. She didn't think of what that would do to Ashley. She says drinking helped her avoid her problems, well so did killing herself. That's the only reason why she did what she did. The more I think about the bitch, the more angry I get. I feel like apart of all of this could be my fault. If I would have never treated her the way I did in the beggining, she wouldn't have met Yongguk, and she wouldn't have had to go back to her mom and get pimped out. It was all because of my wrong doing. And that's a regret that I'm going to have to live with forever. All that I can do is help her to the best of my abilities by treating her the way that she derserves to be treated. And as for Robert, he's gonna get what he deserves.
     I slowly got up from my desk and walked over to the room to check on Ashley. Opening the door, I see that shes still in bed. "Ashley," I called out. She doesn't move. I can tell she's still awake. I walk in shutting the door behind me.
      "Not now Jay," she says finally speaking up. I sat down in the corner of the bed completely ignoring her like.
     "You need to eat something Ashley. Please, just eat something." Ashley turned to her side looking at me.
     "What don't you understand. I want to be left alone," she said to me. I know she's hurting right now, but I really wish she wouldn't be so damn stubborn.
      "Look Ashley, I know your hurting right now, but you really need to-"
      "Don't fucking tell me what the fuck I need to do," Ashley cut me off, yelling at me, completely catching me off gaurd."You don't know what Im going through right -now. You having no fucking right to try and tell me what the fuck I need to do." Ashley is now sat up in front of me. I look at her not knowing what to say. Her expression shows hurt and anger.
     "Your right Ashley. I don't know what your going through. I don't know what it's like living with an abusive mother. I don't know what it's like having my boyfriend that I loved and trusted sell me to a sex trafficker. I don't know what it's like to be pimped out by my mother's rapist boyfriend. Your right I don't know what it's like, I don't know what any of that is nice," I said to her, her tears start flowing down her face. "Ashley I really wish that I can tell you that things will get better. I wish that I can promise that everything's gonna be all sunshine and happiness from now on but I can't. But what I can promise you is that I'm gonna be here for you for whatever you need. But please, let me help you." I said to her. My eyes are tearing up as well. It breaks my heart to see her like this. She looks up at me for a long tme, and then all of a sudden she jumps into my arms and starts sobbing. I held her like this for a long time.
*****Unknown P.o.v******
I sat up in the hospital bed. Since I had been shot, my recovery has been very slow. I've also been keeping tabs on Ashley and Jay. Jay's gonna get his, he took what's mine. And Ashley, she's gonna learn to not leave me again. I turned my head when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I said. In walked in one of my men.
     "Here's the photo's boss," he said handing me a stack of photos. My men have been doing a good job of keeping tabs on Jay and Ashley.
     "Thanks man," I said flipping through each photo.
     "Need anything else."
     "Yeah," I said walking over to the near by table. "Just give me a minute." Taking one of the photos, I grabbed the set of keys, scratched out Jay's face, and circling Ashley's. "Give him this," I said handing him the photo. "Let him know, his days are outnumbered."
*****Jay's P.o.v.*****
After our heart to heart, I finally got Ashley to get out the bed.
     "Jay, I'm really full, I can't eat any more," she says scooting the plate over to my side of the table. I looked down at the food on her plate disaapointed. All she did was move the food around on the plate.
     "Ashley, are you kidding me," I slid the plate back over to her. "You need to eat, ple-" Before I could finish my sentence there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered the door but no one was there. I was about to turn back around when I realized there was a photo taped down to my door. I took it off the door, and when I realized what it was, my blood started boiling. It was a picture of Ashley and I. My face had been scratched out, and hers was circled.
     "What is it Jay," Ashley asked. I turned my head around and saw her standing a few feet behind me.
     "It's nothing," I said. "Just some kids pulling a stupid prank." I watched as Ashley walked back into the living room. I need to find out where Robert's at.

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