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*****Jay's P.o.v.*****
     It was a sudden parting. I feel all too bitter to forget. Lately I catch myself thinking of him, thinking of the way he died. It saddens me to think he never had the chance to say goodbye, before he permenantly closed his eyes. He suffered so much pain. He held a smile on his face for the world to see, but I saw right through it. He hid his pain and sorrows for the sake of making everyone happy. And now, suddenly, he no longer lives. To see his body there, in the middle of the warehouse felt like a hard blow. I felt my soul leave my body. But I don't understand, why him?
-FLASHBACK  (Jackson's  P.o.v.)-
     "Yongguk there has to be another way, " I said, my voice filled with worry.
     "Jackson stop being such a little bitch," he said loading his gun. "Just take the fucking pictures like how I asked you to." It's been a year since I've been working on the side for Yongguk. He and Simon had made an unknown arrangement together but after Simon was killed I, being Simon's side man am stuck with having to pay off his debt. Yongguk was always bad news from the start. At first I thought everything would be cool. He'd join the gang, I'd pay off the debt in silence and we'd live life peacefully. But of course nothing ever really works that well. Yongguk started asking for larger sums in shorter time spans. When I told him I couldn't pay the amount he resorted to making threats. I made the mistake of not taking him seriously, which resulted in my mother's death. He hasn't demanded money from me lately, but he's been making me do tasks. It started before Jay shot him. I convinced Yongguk to head to the warehouse and speak to Jay. Of course I had already known that Jay was going to shoot him, but I didn't expect him to live. After Jay shot him, I saw that he was still breathing, and so I stuck to my role and helped nurse Yongguk back to health. Apart of me was really hoping that Yongguk would just leave everything there and stop, but he didn't. Jay shooting seemed to do nothing but add fuel to his fire. From then on, he was determined to get Jay back. He's using Ashley as an excuse but I know this is about Jay. He's been asking me to follow them around and take pictures of her. It makes me sick to my stomach to do it, but I have a family that I care about too. I can't have anymore blood on my hands.
     Today I'm meeting up with Yongguk at the warehouse. He say's we need to discuss some business.  I pull up in the parking lot of the warehouse, get out my car, and go inside. The warehouse is completely empty. Immediately I have a bad feeling. I was about to turn back around and walkout when Yongguk came in.
     "How's it going Jackson," he says grinning.
     "Here are those photos you asked for," I said getting to the point. Yongguk looks like he has something up his sleeve and I dont want to stick around to find out what it is. I pulled the stack of pictures out of my jacket and handed them over.
     "Your nervous, " Yongguk said smiling. "I can smell it off of you." I let out a fake laugh.
     "I don't know what your talking about." He looks at me for a long time before looking away. I can tell that he doesn't believe me but he doesn't push it any further. Yongguk puts the pictures in his back pocket. He looks at me again but the smile is no longer there.
     "Thank you Jackson," he said. "I really appreciate working with you. But your service is no longer needed." Before I could react Yongguk pulled out his gun and aimed it toward me.
*****Robert's P.o.v.*****
Who knew that Marie would've had it in her? I never would've expected her to ever shoot me. She was always weak and easy. That's why it was always so easy for me to wrap her around my finger. But props to her, she finally grew a pair and gained some sense. Too bad she's too stupid actually finish the fucking job. I spent some time nursing myself back to health.
*****Flashback (Robert P.o.v.)*****
I awoke in a state of confusion. There was a very sharp pain in my shoulder. I've been shot I thought to myself. I slowly try to get up, but my body weighs me right back down and I fall back on the bed. I look down when I realize that there's something underneath me. It's Ashley! She looks so fucking beautiful laying beneath me. I ran my hand up her shirt and caressed her breast. I leaned my head down and kissed her skin. Ugh, I would love to fuck her right here, right now but I'm pretty sure after what just happened, if they haven't been called already, the cops would be here any minute. I slowly try lifting myself up again. My body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. I tried propping myself up on my arms, but they start immediately start shaking and I turn over and roll off the bud hitting the floor with a loud thud. I groaned in pain as I slowly started dragging myself towards the door. But then, I saw something out the corner of my eye, it was a hand. I was shocked to see Marie laying in a pool of her own blood. I need to get out of here.
*****Jay's P.O.V.*****
     "Where is he?!" I asked the lady at the front desk. She looked back at me with a look of confusion. "C'mon!" I said slamming my fist on the desk.    
   "Jaebum. Im Jaebum, what room Is he in?" After she told me the room number, I went up to the room. Storming in, I see Jaebum laying in the hospital bed. "What happened? " I asked him. 
  "It was Yongguk."

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