Chapter 2: Deliberating

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I can't believe it's been literally a year since I've updated this.. I'm so sorry, everyone! I probably lost most of my readers but the views never really mattered to me, I just loved the loyalty to those to actually read. So if you're here, give me a comment! I love reading your comments on my works more than anything. I promise I will be chugging out these updates for you, and I love you all! You don't have to forgive me now, but here's a chapter that may sway your opinion! :) 

Chapter 2: Deliberating

Marie's POV

Everyone was here. Marie had watched one by one as everyone entered the room. The only ones who weren't here were Lola, Jorge, Ethan, and Eliza- those they saved from the Scorch. She noticed this only after everyone else had shown up.

Newt rose to his feet when Minho walked in, with Murphy in tow, looking as timid as Marie had ever seen him. The two males looked related, but even if they weren't, as they sat down, Minho had the same protectiveness over the young teen like a brother. 

When Minnie walked in, Marie reached her before Minho. She stumbled to her feet and gave her a soul crushing hug, swaying a bit. She didn't cry this time- she was all cried out. She didn't know how to tell her sister that she was pregnant, and at such a critical time too. She would be a liability. But for now, Minnie didn't need to know. All who needed to know were her, Newt, and maybe the entirety of WICKED's staff. That made her feel slightly worse. 

As Minnie sat down with the couple and Minho, she gave him a small kiss, and rested her head on his shoulder. The five sat in dead silence. It was only then that Marie noticed that Newt was shaking madly, and she was about to ask if it was nerves when Lamar walked in. 

The twins flocked to him and gave him huge hugs. As Marie drew away, she noticed a gaunt look on his face. "Have you seen George?" He asked like a lost puppy.

"I haven't seen anybody..." Marie whispered and stroked his cheek. He gave a dry sob and hugged her again, his nose in the crook of her neck. Worry washed over her as she wondered what caused him to be so worried, or so emotional, but didn't question it. She simply hugged him.

A few moments later, George entered the room, and Lamar hugged him so hard that George's face lost the little color in his cheeks that had appeared when he saw Lamar. As they pulled away, Lamar gave him a small, nervous peck on the cheek and they sat down together. Marie watched the peck, and smiled at him, knowing she was the only one who saw it. Lamar returned the smile shakily, and began talking to George in hushed whispers. 

Aris entered next, which earned him a bunch of dirty looks. He sat down in his own corner, and hugged his knees. Newt hadn't taken his eyes off of Aris the entire time they were waiting, until Roxie entered.

When she entered, the entire room tensed. She glanced between her brother, to Aris, her partner in crime. She stood there for a good moment, trembling. She didn't say a word, instead sit right between the two groups in the middle of her room. 

Newt turned to Marie, and whispered in her ear, "I'll bloody kill her. Kill 'em both." 

Marie pulled away, lips parting in shock, to stare up at her boyfriend. He was shaking again, and his eyes had a dark glint in them. 

"This isn't like you. Stop." 

"She could have killed you, Marie. She could have killed... them..." He whispered to the point where she could barely hear him, and she glanced down at her stomach. She wondered how long she had been pregnant, and why WICKED didn't pick it up sooner. There had been many times where her and Newt were alone, but she didn't even know how far along she was. Why didn't WICKED tell them?

The Death Cure: Lab Rats : 3rd Book In The Maze In Her Heart Fic Series :Where stories live. Discover now