Chapter 7: "Can we talk?"

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Chapter 7: "Can we talk?"

First up on my list for my loyal readers is @ImagineNewt1! They have been a loyal reader, commenting on almost every chapter I've uploaded to this book by far. Seeing their notifications makes my day to know someone is so into my writing and stories. Thank you for your comments and support! You are the first in my series of nominating, which must make you special, lol!

This chapter is for you, because I know you've wanted this Marie and Newt action. Thanks for the reads, and to everyone else! You guys are the best, and be sure to comment, vote, and enjoy! Also, don't feel as if I'm favoring anybody over anybody else. I am just nominating chapters to people I see regularly in my notifications, or who have shown over and over again interest in my series. If you simply read (which means I can't see you)- let me know! I want to include everyone. <3 Now, enough of that. Let's get on with Chapter 7.

Newt walked down the hallway, clutching the book timidly to his chest. He paused and glanced up at a door, not sure if it was the right one. He wasn't as tall as he would be in the future, and nearly as grown. He was only ten.

He reached up and knocked on the door, taking a step back.

After a few moments, the door opened a crack. WICKED was dark at night, and it scared Newt. Only a few lights shone, and they were at the ends of the hallways. But from here, he could see Marie's green eyes, and how gorgeous they were.

"About bloody time." He squeaked out. His voice gave a crack. Puberty was just starting for him, and his voice was the first victim. Marie giggled, placing a hand over her mouth.

"Get in here!" She laughed, and opened the door.

Newt walked in, and shut the door behind him. Marie walked to her bedside table and clicked on her bedside table lamp. Her room was nearly empty since she had been moved out from Minnie's room at WICKED's orders. A drawing was taped to her wall of her and her sister. The notes Newt wrote her were also taped up, but crummily so. She must have taken them down a lot.

Newt blushed in the darkness.

"How did you manage to get out?" She whispered, sitting on the edge of her bed. Newt sat down next to her. He was growing fast and the height difference was starting to become evident.

"The vents. Aris taught me how to pop them off." He admitted, his blush deepening. "I couldn't find your room vent though."

"I guess we will have to make a map soon enough then," She suggested, smiling a bit. Newt and Marie were barely able to see each other anymore. Ever since the hormones of their developing brains began, they were constantly rushed to tests and separated. Newt didn't know much about hormones but he knew that his went crazy when he was around Marie.

"What are they?" He asked once, swinging his legs as he sat on the lab bench.

"Hormones?" The doctor raised a brow.

"Yeah. Like, happy ones."

"Dopamine, most likely. It's a neurotransmitter that makes you feel very..." He was searching for words for Newt to understand. "Lovey. Like you're in love."

It was dopamine alright.

"I'm okay with that." He smiled and opened the book. The two of them settled back into the bed and Newt read to her in a low voice, running his finger along every line that he read. Soon, Marie fell asleep. He gave her cheek a quick kiss when she fell asleep, and blushed deeply.

The Death Cure: Lab Rats : 3rd Book In The Maze In Her Heart Fic Series :Where stories live. Discover now