Chapter 8: Newt & Marie.

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Hey shanks! Life has been kinda crazy stressful. This week in particular. I have been a bit in the dumps with a messy room and my hair and weight have been wacky! But today I'm finally getting back on track, and I've been writing a bunch of chapters lately. Here's my most recent. 

My reader of the chapter is @Maddie_r_c_! She has voted on literally every single chapter up to this point and I very much appreciate it!! I appreciate every single vote and the nice compliment when I thanked you! You are a doll <3 

I appreciate every one of you guys! Please enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to vote & comment! Enjoy this Marie and Newt love.

 Newt followed Marie into the room, and remained standing as she sat. She looked obviously troubled, with his face pinched together and her brows furrowed. And he already knew what she was troubled by before she even spoke.

"I know. I just..." He reached up, running his hand through his hair, "There's never a bloody good time... How far along are you?" He finally took a seat, placing a hand on her knee.

"If it was from our time in the Glade, about four months now." She sighed shakily and glanced down at her stomach. "Aren't women supposed to get big at five months?"

Newt bit his lip and hugged his knees tightly to his chest, staring out the windows. The clouds below them rolled like giant, white, misty waves. Peeks of pale blue sky etched through the clouds, almost as if waving. Below them, Newt couldn't really see anything. No peaks of buildings, or stretches of deserts. Up here, it looked like heaven, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it.

"I don't think WICKED ever told us. I don't know a lot about babies, except for how they're made." He blushed and both of them laughed. "And that after nine months, our baby-" He paused, looking back at Marie- "babies, our babies will be out."

"It's gonna hurt so much, isn't it?" Marie squeaked, eyes wide.

"We have lots of people here that are willing to give their helping hands. And once we reach Right Arm, even more will be able to help."

"I'm scared." Marie said quickly after Newt spoke, taking a deep breath.

"I am too. But we'll be okay." Newt twitched, raising his hand to his head again. Marie watched, but Newt didn't notice. His fingers tugged at the strands aggressively, as if trying to pluck them from the root.

"Newt, did you take the serum?" Her voice was gentle, lolling. The pounding in his head ceased at that, if only for a quick second. Then it returned. Newt, fingers trembling a bit, held out his arm and rolled up his sleeve. The white uniform was stained red and brown from dirt and blood. He had tried to patch up Lamar's cuts but after trembling so much, Lamar asked Minho for assistance instead.

Right below his elbow crease was a small dot of pink skin, irritated. The serum hadn't hurt going in, but coming out, the needle snagged on his skin.

Marie reached over, running her finger over the stretch of tight skin. "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah," Newt lied. He wasn't sure why he lied, it came naturally. He could already feel himself lose control, but now the serum had done something. It hadn't cured him, but it slowed down the process.

A part of him wanted to be dead before Marie gave birth. It was better to never meet his children, than to meet them, connect with them, and then die, if only knowing them for a few days.

"What are we going to do?" Marie sighed, and sat in silence. At first, Newt searched for an answer, but once realizing Marie was talking to herself, he fell silent. In the silence, the pounding returned, louder than ever. Every beat of his heart sent a shock of pain between his ears. Right now, tiny speck of bacteria were deteriorating his brain, rotting it from the inside out. Even if he made it out alive, he would probably never be that same boy he sees in his memories.

"Do you... Do you bloody remember anything?" He turned to Marie, and took both of her hands in his own. Glancing into her eyes made him feel at ease. He could feel that comfort returning, even if in small flickers.

"You're, like, my favorite person here, Newt. Besides my sister."

"I dunno. Minho and Thomas are pretty cool." Newt scoffed and gave Marie a playful shove.

She giggled, and as she did, her hair fell neatly into her face, framing it. Newt wasn't sure what he felt but he surely didn't feel it when he was around Minho and Thomas. He blushed and placed his hands into his pockets, embarrassed.

The group of Gladers, now twelve, sat at the round table, with lots of other children. Children Newt couldn't recognize, children who probably went to different mazes or tests, children who were probably variables just like him. He took a bite of his burger, wiped his mouth, and looked over.

Luke and Janson watched from the doorway. Next to Luke was a small boy with blonde curls and round lips. He watched Newt, tugged on his father's arm, and said something. Luke brushed him off and walked to the middle of the room with Janson, who was holding a clipboard. Dejected, the young Liam gripped the doorway, wearing all white just like the other children.

"Private lessons time." He tapped his clipboard with his pen, rolling his eyes as the children gave a collective hush. "Yeah, yeah, you love it. When I call your name, head to the door."

His eyes ran down the clipboard as he said names out loud, "George, Eleanor, Raven, Isiah, Aris, Logan, and Sammantha." He capped the pen after scribbling something in red. The kids big their friends goodbye before walking to the door, where Liam stood, trembling.

Luke walked over, snatched his sons hand, and led him down the hall with the other kids. Newt saw their heads bobbing in the windows before they had left the area.

"I wonder where they go." He said thoughtfully, burger limp in his hands.

"Probably somewhere fun. Everyone always gets so excited to go." Minho said, popping a carrot stick into his mouth.

Newt bit his lip, took another bite, and watched Marie again.

"I just, remember so much now... But nothing about my parents... Or any family I might have had. All I can remember is my time at WICKED."

"I can remember my parents sometimes.... But it all happens randomly.. I-I remember you, a lot." She smiled at him. Newt smiled too, the pounding subsiding slightly.

"What about me?" He said curiously, like a child, crawling up to Marie on the bed and tilting his head. She leaned her head on her hand, her other hand on his own.

"We used to read together after hours. Aris taught you how to crawl through vents and you did that just to see me." She blushed. Newt nodded, resting his cheek on her shoulder. It felt nice, being with Marie, and being alone.

She reached up and stroked his hair. For a moment, his brain slowed and his eyes drooped. His bottom lip quirked, just slightly.

"Oh, and you wrote me notes!" She said, and nodded. "Yeah, lots of them. I had to take them down when Janson checked on our rooms. I liked pinning them up."

"Sounds like we were in a baby relationship."

"One of the only." Marie giggled and kissed Newt's temple. Her kiss spread through his body like ripples from a water puddle, easing him. He was back in the Maze, arms wrapped tightly around her so she slept tightly. Except that never happened- they never cuddled, and to be here, and with her, was rare.

"I hope we get to do this more often." Newt smiled, before turning and closing his eyes. His nose brushed the nape of her neck, and his eye lashes tickled her jaw. He could feel her give a shiver before she wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him tight.

They couldn't be like this for long, and even Newt knew that despite the Flare ripping apart his sanity by the fibers. 

But for now, this was heaven. 

The Death Cure: Lab Rats : 3rd Book In The Maze In Her Heart Fic Series :Where stories live. Discover now