Chapter 5: Escaping

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Hitting ya with another chapter! Thanks for all the love, support, and reading! You shucks are the best :) <3

Chapter 5: Escaping

Marie grabbed the tubes of the serum and shoved them down her shirt. They fell in a cluttered pile at the bottom of her shirt. For a second, when she looked down, she saw her stomach swell more than the serum had stretched out.

For a second she was pregnant.

She blinked and it was gone. Shaking her head, she looked back at the Gladers behind her. Lamar was shoving serum into the coat pockets, while Eleanor was doing the same as Marie. She turned to give Marie a look, and she just stared back, unsure what to say or do.

Around them, alarms blared. She wondered if her fellow Gladers were safe in the jet, armed, ready to leave.

George paced the room, gun still in his hands. He looked exhausted, bags under his eyes and his hair hanging limply around his face.

"Did you get it all?" He said shortly, looking in Lamar's direction. Lamar nodded, before reaching farther into the huge display rack of tubes. They had mostly been emptied, except for a few tubes of something light purple.

Marie eyed it, her face going a bit wistful.

"Good, then let's go." George cleared his throat, and walked to the door. He held the key card in his hand, tossing it over to Eleanor. She pressed the card to the pad, and the door slid open.

At the end of the hallway was a wall of guards, all armed.

"Shuck!" Lamar shouted, before slamming the door again. He had barely shut it when the sound of bullets ringing against metal was heard. Everyone ducked to the floor, glass shattering above them. Glass rained the floor like bullets themselves, on top of their huddled figures.

"What do we do? Is there any other way out?" Eleanor shouted over the gunfire and alarms, all combined making a racket. Marie kept her head ducked between her knees, eyes clutched shut. She felt like she was in the middle of Hell right now- separated from her other loved ones, near death, and on the edge of toppling over into madness. The sounds were loud and excruciating.

George got on his knees, and straightened out, placing his gun to face the soldiers through the shattered glass door window. He gave out a grunt before opening fire, shooting with no real target- just trying to make it stop, oh God, make it stop.

He ducked again as another rain of bullets came flying in, popping holes into the wall in front of them like bubble wrap.

Marie looked up to see George straightening up again. She took the moment to dash across the room, and flatten against the wall. The tubes in her shirt clinked together as she glanced at the open door. There was nothing in the room, except for a few tubes of that same purple liquid.

She pushed herself up onto the counters, kicking away empty display racks. They clattered to the floor. Her body heaved, and she felt every liquid inside her slosh around like she was a half full gallon.

"Marie!" Lamar shouted, and there was a rain of gunfire again. Marie peeked over her shoulder, and saw George shooting again, a determined look on his face.

She pressed herself against the wall, and looked up on top of her. On the ceiling right above her was a vent.

"Someone, quick! Get something sharp!" Marie shouted, one hand cradling her stomach, and the other reaching up to run her fingers across the nails keeping the vent shut.

There was a moment of silence, more gunfire.

She looked behind her again, almost impatiently, and saw Lamar run into the room. In his hand was a walkie talkie, and a scalpel. She met his eyes, quickly. "Thank you." She said before taking the scalpel and twisting it into a screw.

The Death Cure: Lab Rats : 3rd Book In The Maze In Her Heart Fic Series :Where stories live. Discover now