Chapter 6: Liam Lives

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Chapter 6: Liam Lives

Happy President's Day! Here comes an update for my beautiful readers :) Starting next chapter, I will be dedicating them to loyal readers or readers who have made me laugh, cheered me up, or even just voted when nobody else did. I appreciate you all. Comment below if you think you deserve one, but I have quite a few fans already lined up and you might be one! So don't forget to comment, vote, and enjoy this short little chapter.

"You'll never get out of here..." Luke gasped, grabbing his sons arm.

Liam turned to look back at his father, and saw the scalpel in his clenched fist. He paused, meeting his father's eyes. The father and son had the same colored eyes- that greyish blue, almost white. For a second, Liam paused, wanting to give in and go back... This was his father.

But then he remembered the scalpel in his hand, and shook his head. His father wouldn't hesitate to hurt him. His father worked here, at WICKED, and expected him and Roxie to do the same inhumane things he did along with Ava and Janson to the boys and girls in the Maze. Even though Roland had escaped when he had the chance years ago, Liam couldn't stand here a moment longer and wait for Right Arm.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, and yanked his arm back.

Luke growled and rushed back to his son, grabbing his arm. "Get back here!"

Liam gasped suddenly, pain bursting in his arm, where his father had jabbed the scalpel. "You're not leaving!" He yanked his son, dragging the scalpel back with brutish power.

A sluggish groan of pain escaped Liam's lips as he slumped against the wall, staring down at the gash on his arm. Blood gushed. Luke must have hit an artery or something, because he was tugging forcefully. Each jerk caused more pain to rush up his arm and right to his brain.

Roxie was suddenly on Luke's back, swinging him backwards. Luke gasped for breath- Roxie's arms were around his neck, tugging back and causing Luke to release the sharp object. It clattered to the pale blue marble, drops of Liam's fresh blood beading on the ground.

"Get to the box!" Roxie shouted, swinging once more, her toes not touching the floor. Luke swayed, his cheeks gathering a ruddy red color.

"No!" Luke shouted in a strangled voice. He reached up an arm, gripping Roxie's arm tightly and attempting to yank her forward.

Liam didn't think twice before darting to the box, which was gaping open. The crates were still all messy from the boys who had ransacked them in the latest supply drop. Alarms blared around him, red lights flashing in his already blurred vision. He gave a sway, his body moving slower than it usually did. Blood rushed down his arm and fingers, dropping to the floor in heavy streams.

He, through blurring and unfocused vision, took a deep breath, shuddered, and slumped face first into the box.


Liam jerked awake and looked around. The alarms that had been blaring in his head had fallen silent, and he was alone now. The only sound was his shallow breathing, and the beeping of the monitor next to him.

He reached a hand up, and ran it along his hairline. His hair was longer and curlier now than it was in the dream, and was lighter too, no doubt from his time in the Scorch.

Everything came rushing back to him just then, at that mere thought.

The Maze, the box, the memory gas. The Flare and the Scorch and everything in between. The cranks, and the confusion of everyone at every drop of a hat. Fighting the light bulb monsters. Group B smashing his head in, and then Roxie doing it again, and again...

The Death Cure: Lab Rats : 3rd Book In The Maze In Her Heart Fic Series :Where stories live. Discover now