Chapter 5

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer 2x01

When She Was Bad Part 3


Aurora POV 

It was morning and we were in Aunt Joyce's Jeep on the way to school.

"How are your new classes?" Aunt Joyce asked us.

"Good," Buffy and I replied.

"Fine," Kate, Kyra, and Jeremy all replied.

"Good. Is there the slightest chance that if I asked you what wrong would any of you tell me?" Aunt Joyce questioned.

"Just pregnancy hormones," I quietly muttered as Buffy looked over at Aunt Joyce.

"Course not. It would take all the fun out of guessing." Aunt Joyce said as she didn't hear what I muttered.


When we got to school, we headed to our lockers. It went Kate, Jeremy, me, Kyra and then Buffy. Willow and Xander were there we were talking about Angel.

"Angel stopped by? Wow. Was there... Well, I mean, was it having to do with kissing?" Willow said. "Did you tell him about you being... pregnant?" Willow whispered the last part.

"Willow, grow up. Not everything is about kissing." I told her. "And no I didn't tell him. I wanted to but didn't."

"Yeah, some stuff about groping," Xander said to Willow.

"It wasn't about groping?" Jeremy questioned me.

"Okay, hormones on parade here? It was pure shoptalk. Remember vampires, pointy teeth, they walk by night, ring any bells?" I told them.

"What did he say?" Kate asked.

"Oh, something's up," I replied as I closed my locker. "Nothing we can't handle."

We began to walk towards our first class of the day.

"Oh, hey, did you guys hear that Cibo Matto's gonna be at the Bronze?" Xander told us.

"Cibo Matto?" Kyra questioned.

"They're playing?" Willow questioned.

"No, Willow. They're gonna be clog dancing." Xander responded.

"Cibo Matto can clog dance?" Willow said as she got a look from Xander. "Oh, right. Sarcasm."

"We should attend, no?" Xander questioned.

We see Cordelia walking out of class and walked over to us.

"Oh, look it's the Six Musketeers plus one member," Cordelia said as she saw us.

We looked at each other. We were not sure what to make sure of that.

"Was that an insult?" Buffy questioned.

"Kinda lacked punch," Jeremy replied.

"The Musketeers were cool," Willow told her.

"I see your point," Cordelia replied.

"I would've of gone with Stooges,"  Xander said.

"Well, I just meant that you guys always hang out together. So, did you guys fight any demons this summer?" Cordelia responded.

"Uh, yes! Our own personal demons." Kate exclaimed.

"Uh, such as lust and, uh, thrift!" Xander responded.

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