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Voices roared in the distance, stirring me from the depths of unconsciousness. The darkness clouding my vision and mind held, paralyzing my body as if I were still senseless. My ears strained, breathing ragged while a sharp pain pinched my abdomen. Whatever had happened, I could feel my power slowly mending skin and snapping bones back together.

"I had no choice!" Another voice boomed within the room, pounding against my eardrums and closer than the last who'd spoken. "I can't interfere, Ezekiel." The male let a heartbreaking sigh release from their lips. "I won't be able to return home if I do." Recognition finally registered the voice as Michael; relief that he had returned sagged my tense shoulders. But that relief was short-lived.

Think about this next time you so much as disobey me, daughter.

Memories flooded my subconsciousness, drowning me in the horrors of my father's brief visit: Hardin, Morgan's cousin, crashing through my house doorway. Morgan flying through it moments later and slid over my kitchen counter. Threatening my father to leave, my father threatening me with my bleeding heart.


A strangled cry burst free from my lips, silencing the room from any side chatter proceeding around me. My eyelids squeezed shut, the sleep paralysis easing its hold on my body as sobs wracked my chest at the loss of my best friend. My greatest fear, after just getting him back, became my reality.

"Celeste!" Worry etched within Zeke's voice, footsteps padding softly across the flooring until his body heat surrounded mine in warmth. But I didn't want it; I didn't deserve the comfort.

My eyes fluttered, slowly parting but the tears overwhelming my vision blurred everything within sight. "Noah," I sobbed, crumbling within myself at the pain that tore at my aching heart, at the loss. In that moment, I wanted to give in to my father so he couldn't take anyone or anything else away from me.

Zeke gently parted the hair covering my face, cupping my cheeks in his hands until my eyes raised to his deep greys. His eyebrows were furrowed with worry, a deep frown curving the edges of his lips. "He's sleeping, baby. You can see him soon," he murmured, lowering his lips oh so gently to my forehead.

When he pulled away, my heart skipped as his words registered through my foggy brain. My mouth parted, shock rippling in waves through my mending body. "W-what?" I croaked.

The creased in Zeke's forehead deepened as if he were confused by my own confusion. "What's wrong?"

"He's alive?" I asked with words scarcely above a whisper, barely audible. I felt multiple pairs on us as we conversed, but they were ignored as I stared at the Hybrid in front of me with a wide-open mouth.

Zeke nodded, the crease disappearing as his mouth did a one-eighty. "Yes. You saved his life, Celeste."

The revelation struck me hard, nearly dragging my relief-stricken body back under the depths of deep sleep. My eyes fluttered. "Thank fuck," I mumbled, another small sob cracking my vocal cords, slinging my arm over my forehead with heart-wrenching relief. I glanced over his shoulder for the Archangel, waiting for his scolding tone at my cursing, but he was no longer in the room, seemingly giving us some privacy.

Zeke chuckled. "That's what I said." There was a moment's pause, and when I opened my eyes fully to meet his, what I saw nearly broke me again. The normal storm raging within his eyes was dark, eyes glassy as he cleared his throat. "But it nearly cost you your life," he murmured softly, a forced smile tugging at his lips. It tore my chest open, and I vowed to myself then and there that I'd make sure those irises would never again fall so dark.

The Demon of Angels (Bk. 2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now