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TONIGHT'S AFTER PARTY was being held at Morgan's house. Her foster parents, the elderly couple Hannah had told me about, were out on a business trip and she had the place to herself the weekend. I couldn't have cared either way, as long as she didn't cause any trouble. I told myself I would keep to myself, knowing she was still a part of Zeke's family– his pack. But if she so much as barked once at me, I wouldn't hesitate to bite.

Zeke pulled his GT along the side of the road, parking in front of Morgan's two-story house. Bright lights and dancing bodies flashed through the windows. Some already had red cups in their grasps; others had another body.

Evan pulled in behind us and was the first to climb out, gazing up at the house with a smirk. Zeke and I got out a moment later, watching other students trickle in as well with their prom attire. Some I recognized from our school, but others seemed to be from another school around town.

Zeke came around the car and wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a public claim. I chuckled, following Evan and Noah as they made their way toward the front entrance.

The music shook the house, vibrating my lungs as we stepped inside. It wasn't that it was extremely loud, but the bass was cranked to an extraordinarily high level. The music had your body itching to dance, and it was safe to say that was the point. Glancing around at the carefree bodies dancing around, attached hip-to-hip and swaying to the beat, I'd say it was working.

Zeke snatched my hand as Evan walked off toward the living room and Noah toward the kitchen. The living room seemed to be the makeshift dance floor. It was crammed with people; everyone was dancing with everyone. I even saw Kayla in the crowd and watched as Evan made his way toward her.

I let Zeke drag me toward the kitchen, dropping my hand to grab two new red cups. Without asking, he poured me a drink and handed it to me. I shrugged, knowing that I couldn't get drunk, so who cared? My words from earlier echoed in my head.

You only live once.

Zeke lifted his cup to his lips, drinking the cold liquid. I smirked, mirroring his action with our eyes locked. Heat seared through me as liquid fire poured through my spine, igniting the spot between my legs. I released the cup from my lips, suppressing a shiver.

Zeke set his cup down on the counter, then took mine and did the same. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me toward the dance floor. "What are we doing?" I asked, even though I already had an idea.

The hybrid spun around and grinned down at me. "Dancing," he answered. "Last time I had to watch you dance at a club with strangers, now you're going to dance with me." He growled the last part playfully; his eyes darkened with lust and want.

My body shivered, giving me away. I could never deny it when it came to Zeke; I wanted him so badly. I knew he could see the effect he had on me. I bit my lip and followed Zeke willingly.

His eyes flashed amber, then simmered back to his stormy grey. He bent down, his lips brushing my ear and his breath fanning my neck. "Careful, Princess. You're playing a dangerous game."

I pulled back and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Before my question could reach my lips, he pulled me to his chest possessively. "I can see the lust in your eyes," his voice lowered several octaves. A warm feeling through my core and lower region did a little dance in response, but my cheeks heated at getting caught.

But it wasn't just me that felt the hot and heaviness between us; I could see the want and need he was trying so desperately to hide from me.

So arrogant.

I smirked, locking gazes with the hybrid. I slowly stood on the tips of my toes and brushed my lips against his cheek. "I can see yours too, hybrid," I growled. "I'm not the only one who's playing the game."

The Demon of Angels (Bk. 2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now