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MY EYES FLEW open, a gasp parting my lips as the contents in my stomach rolled. I dry heaved at the floor below the metal surface I laid on, my heart in my throat. I greedily heaved in oxygen, righting myself with my hands pressed firmly against my chest as sweat dripped from my heated forehead, and drizzled down my back.

The air that flew through my lungs was ragged and horse. Blinking back tears, I clutched at my throat. I whimpered as my heart pounded in my ears. There was a sharp pinch around my soul, a deep ache that followed. A whimper managed to escape my dry lips, head falling back against the cold concrete wall. My eyelids fluttered, exhaustion pulling me back before I could stop the darkness from descending.


THE SHARP CLASH of metal jolted my body awake. My eyes slowly fluttered open as I stirred from the depths of unconsciousness. Silver bars stared back at me, taunting me as I rose to an upright position. My chest was throbbing. My hand flew to the tender skin, gasping as my blood pulsed. Dazed and confused, I took note of my surroundings.

I was sitting on a metal bed, severely lacking a mattress or sheets of any kind, that was bolted to a grey cement wall at my back. The walls on either side of the bed and the barred door in front told me I was in some sort of imprisonment cell. The coolness seeping into my bones and the concrete surrounding every inch around me gave me the indication I was underground.

Groaning, I stood, trying to stretch out my limbs, but stumbled from the sudden movement. White flashed against my vision, and I tumbled back onto the metal bed with a hard thud against my ass. My head bashed against the cold bricks, and I cried out, clutching my head.

A sharp ache in my chest pulsed through my soul, alerting me to the bonds I had previously created with my family. My eyes flew open, and I was suddenly sitting up and on high alert. All three of the bonds were tugging at my soul, requiring my attention. They were all pulsating with anger, grief, and guilt. I prayed to Gramps that Zeke could feel me through the bond and through this damned cage I was forced to reside in.

If he somehow couldn't, then to them, I was dead.

My own grief came in waves, hitting me in all the wrong places. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I laid my head down. The boys were my rock, and I couldn't stand to see them suffer. It made me want to wallow in a deep black hole and hide.

A high-pitched feminine voice started to whisper, jerking me out of my ball of guilt. "Poor child." Scanning the little area that I could see, there were no green orbs to go with the familiar voice.

"Shh," another voice interrupted. It was deep and throaty. "She'll hear you." I rolled my eyes. A sharp sound of a smack against a skull cracked against the cement walls. I winced, knowing full well someone just got backhanded.

"She heard both of you," a voice groveled with obvious displeasure.

I smirked, knowing who all came to visit. "You can come out now," I called, loud enough for them to hear but not enough for my voice to echo.

"We don't have time for this," Beelzebub hissed. "We should leave before our presence is suspected. He has Hellhounds bordering the place, high alert for any intruders."

Levi snickered, then cooed at the High Demon Prince of Gluttony. "Awe, poor baby. Scared of a few demon puppies?"

Silence descended, then Beelzebub's voice sounded but was muffled. "You're a sick, bitch."

Asmodeus and two hovering pairs of glowing orbs came into view. I raised my eyebrow at the Prince, glancing between him and the orbs."What, they didn't want to show up for the party?" I motioned to my surroundings, switching on my sarcasm charm. "It's a fucking blast in here. Can't you tell?"

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