The Demon of Angels

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Emily Marie Harvey, January 2019.
Copyright © The Demon of Angels.
All Rights Reserved.


Completed & Rewriting.



Primary: Dark Contemporary Fantasy Romance
Secondary: Fiction, Drama, Coming of Age


❝Welcome to Hell on Earth❞



Not suited for anyone under 16.
Trigger warnings and adult content. If you don't like alpha male a-holes, this book isn't for you. I write about assholes who get knocked down by strong, sassy females that earn and demand respect from men. This is a dark fantasy contemporary romance featuring one girl and three sexy, dangerous and wild bad boys, but this is not a reverse harem.
Explicit scenes of blood and violence.

This is BOOK TWO in a TRILOGY.
This book contain scenes that may be triggering for some readers.
Blood, gore, sexual situations and scenes included.
Read at your own advisory, mature audiences only.

This is an un-professionally edited book, so please excuse any grammar mistakes.
Also, please take into account how long each chapter is(2k-7k words). This book took a lot of time to write, so please appreciate the hard work put into it and keep any negative, non-constructive comments to your self.

Bk. 1 - The Daughter of Demons
Bk. 2 - The Demon of Angels
Bk. 3 - The Shadows of Hell

Bk. 1 - Lucifer's Torment



Unsheathing a dagger, Death held the blade to my throat. ❝Say goodbye, daughter,❞ he taunted, walking us backward into the abyss he created.

I thrashed against him, tried to fight the invisible restraints he had on my body, but everything was useless. A strangled cry escaped my lips, pleading for mercy from the Death Scythe but I knew there was no hope for me.

My father dragged the dagger against my throat; I gasped as pain sliced along my skin. Thick hot liquid oozed down my neck, staining my sweater in red. An agonized cry deafened the ears of everyone in the room, but it was too late.

Within the blink of an eye, we were gone.


Secrets are out, and no one is who they say they are.
Lines are drawn, sides are taken, and the Death Scythe is coming.

In this second installment of Death's Trilogy, no soul is safe from the High Demon of Hell until he gets what he wants: Celeste.

A war is brewing beneath the surface, and everyone's life is on the line. The prophecy is finally beginning to unravel, and differences must be put aside to keep everything and everyone they hold dear, safe. To win, they have to give it all, some even more than others.

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