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I WAS SWEPT off my feet as we began moving at thunderous speeds, my body clutched tightly in Zeke's warm embrace. Giggling against his chest, Zeke brought us immediately out of town.

Normally, I would have argued to see the others first. This time, however, I let him carry me to wherever, knowing I needed the alone time with him more than I needed air to breathe.

Despite the cool evening air, a warm breeze kissed my skin as Zeke came to an abrupt halt. I was cuddled into his neck with my eyes closed, breathing in his fresh scent of pine, mint, and cologne. He laid my feet gently against the ground, resting on a soft patch of warm sand. My eyes fluttered open as I dropped my arms to his chest, and he wrapped his arms around my middle.

Birds chirped in the background, the soft brush of water crashing against the shore at my back. The sun was starting to set over the horizon, creating swirls of color that painted Zeke's face an illuminating glow.

Dropping his head next to my ear, Zeke's lips brushed against my smooth skin. His voice lowered several octaves, dropping to that husky tone I was addicted to. "Why don't you do me a favor and turn that pretty little ass around."

Doing as I was told, which helped me hide my burning cheeks, I turned around. As my eyes lay upon the beautiful lake that bared itself in front of me. Soft waves trickled in the distance, and I breathed in a lungful of air. Spinning back around, my eyes rested upon a lakefront cabin.

I gasped at the structure, cheeks heating at the privacy of it, and a smile graced my lips. Built upon a hill, the two-story wooden cabin had floor-to-ceiling windows on the second level. The large glass windows arched with the roof, coming to a point at the top. Wrapping around the cabin was a wooden porch. Two black table sets sat on either side. Supported by beams, the porch sat above a double-wide storage area. A fireplace was laid in front of the cabin, with several lawn chairs encircling the charred logs.

Zeke lowered his hand to my hip, and I leaned into his chest, sighing contently. Placing a kiss on the top of my head, he said, "I hope you like it. I bought it a while back, and the others will be over tomorrow afternoon."

Whipping around, my face stretched into a large smile with a mischievous raised eyebrow. "Really?"

Zeke grinned with a nod. He scanned through my eyes, his own shimmering with emotions I couldn't put together. But through the bond, I could feel it all: Happiness, relief, excitement, adoration, and something deeper– stronger. He pulled me tighter against his chest. "I never got to tell you," he murmured, a slight tremor in his voice. My brow furrowed, but he ran a soothing finger along the creased lines and smoothened them out. His eyes returned to mine; the air in my lungs seized. His hand lifted and cradled the side of my face. I relaxed into his touch, my eyes fluttering. It wasn't until I met his gaze once more that he finally spoke. "I love you," he admitted. "I love you, Celeste Allen. More than I've ever loved anyone."

Tears welled in my eyes at his confession, and I chocked back a happy sob. "I love you," I echoed, laughing through my baby tears. Zeke smiled the biggest and most radiant smile I'd ever seen. With the brush of his thumb, he wiped the tears away. The radiant light I felt at that moment was overwhelming, the high contrast to what I had felt in the depths of that cell.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I jerked him down as I stood on my toes and crushed my lips to his. Zeke moaned into the kiss, deepening it as his lips parted. Our tongues clashed, dancing for dominance. Swallowing back the emotional overload lodged in my throat, I pulled back slightly and nipped at his bottom lip. I wasn't going to last the night if he kept kissing me like that.

I lowered my hands to his chest. Zeke's chest rumbled beneath my fingertips, his hands digging into my hips. "You're killing me, Princess," he grumbled. He dropped his forehead to mine, squeezing his eyes shut as he fought for control.

The Demon of Angels (Bk. 2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now