Childhood Friend

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Emily POV

I was speechless when Ryan left. I never thought I'd ever see him again. But I guess he was true to his word.


The bell rang signaling recess began. I skipped outside and felt sunlight bathe me in warmth as I skipped to the swings. I sat on the swing and began to rock back and forth shutting my eyes disappearing to my own world.

It wasn't only until a few minutes later when I felt a sudden jerk from behind me and I was shoved off the swing my knee scraping on the dirt on the ground. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I turned to see a tall boy smirking down on me as if enjoying my pain.

    "Awwww, is the baby going to cry?" he asked in a mocking tone.

    The other kids began to crowd and laugh at me. Now I really felt like bursting into tears but I didn't, for some reason. Suddenly, another boy joined the one who pushed him and flatly punched the boy in his nose. The boy who pushed me held his nose and some blood ran down on his face causing him to push through the crowd back to the school. The crowd of kids dispersed and the boy who helped me kneeled next to me. Finally breaking down, I cried and wrapped my arm around his waist burying my face in his chest.

    "It's ok, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore," he whispered.


End of Flashback

Emily returned to the Shiba and settled into her room.

The next morning Natalie awoke to find Ryan towering above a fire with a skkillet above it.

    "It's about time you finally started cooking," Natalie yawned.

    "Good morning to you to," Ryan replied handing her a plate with eggs and bacon.

    "Did you kill any Nighloks without me last night?"

    "Unfortunately, no. Instead, I bumped into Emily."

    "Emily? As in childhood friend Emily?"

    "Yes, is there any other Emily I'm friends with?"

    "Well considering I'm your only friend."

    "Shut up."

    "What did she say?"

    "She didn't recognize me."

    "And what did you do?'

    "I acted mysterious."

    Natalie smirked as she quickly swiped a piece of Ryan's bacon. He gave her a death glare before returning to his breakfast.

Ryan POV

Once we finished breakfast I asked, "Shiba House, or downtown."

    "Hmmm, I don't feel like answering questions soooo, downtown!"  Natalie answered.

    We raced each other towards downtown until we came towards a mall. I checked my wallet to see how much cash I had left. When I looked up Natalie's eyes were larger than usual and she puckered her lips.

    "Nat, I told you, you suck at puppy dog faces," I said flatly.

    "You are so mean!" she exclaimed.

    "I know."

    "Will you pleeease buy me something? I haven't had a new tank top in days."

    "I thought I smelled something. But since I don't want to be dealing with your stench, I'll buy you a shirt."

    "You're lucky you're like my older brother. Because if you weren't, I would've flipped you before you could blink."

    Natalie and I had an insult relationship sortof. Like a brother and sister relationship, except the yelling arguments.

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