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Emily POV

Once breakfast was over, Ryan and I headed out since it was another day off for us. I wondered if he could hear my heart thumping, I felt like it was as loud as a drum beat.

    "So, where are we going?" Ryan asked me.

    "Not sure."

    We soon began walking through downtown through the mall. It wasn't until Ryan's face fell and I looked in the direction he was staring at.

    "What's wrong?" I asked.

    "Come on, let's go," Ryan said urging me to come with him.

    "Ryan!" a voice said approaching us.

    A boy that looked a few years older than us apparoched us. His blue eyes told us he wasn't here to make small talk.

    "Long time no see," he said.

    "I would've prefered it that way," Ryan snapped.

    "Who's your friend?" he ignored Ryan and continued gawking at me. I tried to shrug it off but if I turned away I would feel his eyes boring into the back of my skull.

    "I'm Emily," I said cautiously.

    Ryan stepped closer to me nearly crushing his hips against mine.

    "Aren't you going to introduce him?" I whispered low enough for Ryan to hear.

    "I'd rather not to," Ryan said before saying in a normal voice, "Emily, this is Nick."

    "His friend," Nick said.

    "You could put it that way."

    "Anyway, I'm having a party tonight. I was wondering it you would make it more awesome by coming," Nick direction his statement towards me. I was cautious, yet curious. Why was Ryan so cautious of this guy? It's not like he's half Nighlok like Dekker. Let's hope not.

    "Sorry, but we're busy," Ryan said and Nick walked away.

    "Who is he?" I asked.

    "He was my friend, until he found out I was the Black Ranger. He's a sucker for money, he said that blood from a Power Ranger would be worth alot on the black market. He also practices voodoo, since we have a certain power, he can take it."

    "Creepy. So can we go to the party?"


    "Why not?"

    "Were you not listening to what I just said?"

    "Last time I checked, you weren't the boss of me."

    "He's only going to use you."

    "So I'll avoid him."

    "It's not that simple."

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