Who Has a Lost Sibling?

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The next morning, Kevin sat in the living room reading one of the many books in the Shiba House. Mia and Natalie walked by and greeted him but he didn;t acknowledge them due to the fact that he was lost from reality into his book.

    "Interesting book Kev?" Natalie asked sitting across from him.

    "Huh? Oh, yeah," Kevin said absently.

    'The previos Red Samurai Ranger had two relationships, one with a woman unknown, another with a woman named Katherine. Both at seperate times I must add. Both bore a single child, both destined to be a Samurai Ranger. One will most likely posses the Sealing Power to seal Master Xandred away. The other child will without a doubt have the Sealing Power and become the Red Samurai Ranger.'

    Kevin was snapped back into reality when Natalie snatched the book away.

    "What is this book about?" she asked.

    She read the page Kevin was reading about the Red Ranger having a lost sibling and her eyes widened and she looked up at Kevin, then Mia.

    "What does it say?" Mia asked taking the book from Natalie.

    Mia read the page and her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

    "This is just a book right?" she asked.

    "Yeah, it has to be. I mean come on, one of us being Jayden's brother or sister," Natalie laughed nervously.

    "I don't think it's just a book. This is what we use to look up Nighloks," Kevin said.

    "Oh boy."

    Ryan and Emily entered the room and Ryan said, "Oh boy what?"

    Natalie furrowed her eyebrows as she handed Ryan the book. Both Rangers read the page and they reacted the same way the others did.

    "That rules Natalie out," Ryan said flatly.

    "How?" Emily asked.

    "It's obvious the way they look at each other. Nat is always making goggly eyes at Jayden."

    "I, do not, make goggly eyes at Jayden," Natalie said twirling her hair inbetween her fingers.

    "Nat, you're lying. You always twirl your hair when you lie."

    Natalie quickly leaves her hair alone realizing her mistake and glared at Ryan.

    "Hey, guys, what's going on?" Mike asked rubbing his eyes and entering the room.

    "One of us is Jayden's long lost sibling," Natalie said and everyone else shushed her.

    "What?" Mike said eyes on alert.

    "We'll explain later, act normal, Jayden's coming," I said.

    On cue Jayden entered the room and sat at the table greeting the other Rangers on his way. Everyone greeted him back absently trying to act natural which obviously wasn't working.

    "Ok, what's up?" Jayden asked.

    "It has nothing to do with you having a long lost sibling," Mike said unconvincingly.

    Everyone's eyes widened and Ryan mentally smacked Mike upside the head. Jayden looked up at his team mates.

    "What?" he said.

    "Morning everyone," Antonio said.

    "What do you mean I have a long lost sibling?"

    Kevin handed Jayden the book and he read the page.

    "I'm related to one of you?" he said in disbelief.


Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait, I was trying to finish my pokemon sequel book (which i did). Anyway, like I said in a previous chapter I would put in something big. So Jayden has a long lost sibling, sounds like something from the secret circle but this won't be used to stop witch hunters. Already wondering who it could be? Comment below to cast your guess. And it kindof rules out Natalie and Ryan since Natalie and Jayden like each other and Ryan is already apart of a prophecy. God bless, and happy reading.

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