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Once the light died down, standing in front of us was Pendara.

    "Who has awakened me?" she asked.

    No one answered, just staring in awe at Pendara. She stomped her staff on the ground and shouted, "Who has awakened me?!"

    Natalie punched Jayden's shoulder and he stepped forward.

    "I did," he said.

    "I suppose I should thank you, what year is it?" Pendara said.


    "It's been over a thousand years then. My dreaded brother, I will destroy him."

    With another flash, Pendara disappeared leaving the rest of us standing there.

    "Well isn't this great? You guys awakened a thousand year old Nighlok, who has angry issues," I said.

    "You have partial blame," Natalie stated.

    "You've got to be kidding me. Ash and I were looking for the book so we could think our our plans! Not instantly doing it like you three geniuses."

    "Well instead of fighting, maybe we could get something done," Emily spoke up. "Maybe we could devise a plan to get her back in the coffin."

    "For once, you said something smart."


Serrator leaned against the wooden wall of Master Xandred's ship. The Nighlok master was dousing himself in Sanzu River water leaving only Serrator, and a few other Nighloks. It wasn't until the next few moments when Pendara appeared.

    "Pendara!" Serrator exclaimed standing upright fear evident in his voice.

    "Hello dear brother," Pendara smirked at Serrator's quaking in fear.

    "How are you alive?"

    "Some ignorant children set me free."

    "They were the Samurai Rangers," Serrator grumbled.

    "Were they now? Not very smart for setting me free. Now have you not killed them yet."

    Serrator remained silent and Pendara laughed without humor.

    "You've grown weak Serrator, even after stealing some of my power you're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a Nighlok," Pendara spat.

    "I have reasons for killing you," Serrator knelt before Pendara.

    "No need to explain," Pendara waved her hand as if Serrator's reasons were absurd. "Stand."

    Serrator did as instructed keeping his head down. Pendara smirked again plunging her hand into Serrator's chest. He gasped the life draining from him just as quickly as Pendara murdered him.

    "And I have my reasons for doing this," Pendara said without regret.

    Pendara dropped Serrator absently and turned to the other Nighloks who gaped at her in shock. Each of them feared Serrator with their souls. But that fear tripled when they just experienced Pendara. Once they snapped to reality they instantly fixed themselves closing their jaws and fixing their posture.

    "From this moment forward you will do anything and everything I ask you, is that clear?" Pendara announced and they nodded. "And if you don't, well let's just say something similiar to my brother will happen to you."


At the Shiba House, the others instantly grasped their Spin Swords once they saw Ash and Ryan.

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