Ryan Says and Does

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Ryan POV

I began walking through town. I saw a Nighlok entering from a portal, the others could deal with it. I just wasn't in the mood, no promises of when I'll ever be in the mood. Wouldn't it be funny if I messed around with the Gap Sensor, they would be mad, it would be hilarious. I scanned the area around me until I saw a flashing red light in a crack of a building. I stared at it for a few moments and the flashing stopped.

I soon found myself at a very large house. I noticed one very flashy car in the driveway, good, only one person lived here, that would make things easier. I knocked on the door-surprisingly-and a man of about thirty answered the door in a business suit. He looked at me with annoyance and disgust, luckily for him, I didn't kill him on the spot.

"Can I help you?" he asked in an annoying tone.

"Are you the only person that lives here?" I asked.

"Yeah, so?"


I pressed two fingers on his temple and said in a mono-tone, "You will leave this house and won't come back unless I say so. Go visit your kid."

I had no idea whether he had a kid or not, but a voice inside my head told me he got a divorce the wife was stuck with the kid. The man nodded and exited the house. I grinned and entered. It wasn't that bad, black leather couches and recliners, plasma screen TV hung on the wall, chandelier hung in the kitchen. I would have explored the house, but I slumped on the couch deciding I would sleep. Tomorrow I would go to get my clothes and stuff.

The following morning I stood in front of the Shiba House. I touched the air and felt a slight shock jolt through my body. So they attempted to lock me out, when were they going to get it through their heads that they'd have to try harder? I pushed my arm through the barrier until my body was unaffected by the barrier. As I entered the house I saw Natalie, Mia, Kevin, Jayden, Emily, and Mike discussing something. Their glance fixed on me.

"What are you doing here?" Mike growled.

"Good morning to you to Mike," I replied sarcastically.

"Leave," Jayden ordered.

"You guys really don't want me here do you?"

"You betrayed us," Mia said.

"I betrayed you guys? More like the other way around, you guys went behind my back and attempted to kill me."

"You used our powers on us," Emily muttered.

"Allow me to start with who did what. Natalie, you convinced everyone to go along with your plan to kill me, despite the fact that we've practically known each other since diapers. I sincerely hope that the forest animals come to haunt you."

Natalie glared at me and I moved onto Jayden. "You, you're practically Natalie's pet. Although, I don't want to kill you as much as I want to kill Natalie. Can't you think for yourself, you're the leader of this team and yet you follow orders from a pathetic girl who terrifies forest animals for fun. I sincerely hope that I am not your half sibling."

I had nothing to say about Kevin and Antonio. A slim part of me said that me and Antonio were still friends, possibly but what did it matter?

"Mia, did you cook breakfast? Hope for the sake of the others. I'm disappointed to say you happen to be the worst cook I have ever met. Sorry to break your spirit but it's true. I'm surprised you haven't caught on yet, their lies are terrible."

"What is wrong with you?" Kevin asked.

"What's wrong with me is that I got stabbed in the back by the people who I thought I could trust most. It's funny you speak up Kevin because I surprisingly have nothing to say about you. You are probably the one least I want to kill."

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