Chapter 6

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     "Where do you want to start Ahsoka? Do you want to start with sightseeing or do you want to start with me showing you the best places to eat? The partying part you agreed to is also a good place to start. There are other good places to party in Shili."
     "I guess we can start with the places to eat. I'm always a fan of some good food."
     "Okay. Next to the partying, food is always a good choice as well. The next restaurant is at least 2 miles from here. They serve great food. But, they are like a starter trip restaurant. The best food places are farther away from here."
     "You know your way around Shili. Have you done this kind of trip before with Dad?"
     "Yeah, actually I have. Your Dad is from our colony of Kiros, so someone had to show him around. My job is actually Tour Guide of the planet. My boss considers me the best one."
     "Good for you Mom. I know you deserve it. I'm with the best tour guide in Shili, so I know I am going to get good information."
     "Screw information. I want you to get some fun with your awesome mom."
     "Okay then... Let's have some fun then. Mom, blast the music!" We jammed to the music like wild people. At some point while driving I thought we were gonna crash, but we didn't. She and I danced liked nobody cared and it was the most fun I had in awhile.
     "Okay. We are here." We parked and got off the speeder and walked inside the building. Let's just say, the one thing my mom didn't tell me about this restaurant was two words, live music. Plus side, it was good music. We got seated almost immediately which was good because the seats looked comfortable and they were comfortable. Togrutas danced around our table having the time of their lives and like they didn't care if they were dancing weirdly, they were having fun.
     "You didn't tell me there was going to be live music."
     "I didn't want to ruin the surprise. The best places have things you never expected them to have. By the way, the best dish is their classic chicken. Best chicken I have ever had. Also, if you want to order dessert you can. They have some variety to it."
     "Okay. Thanks Mom. I love some good dessert."
     "Everyone loves a good dessert. The Togruta favorite is the red velvet cake that is the topping off the exploding chocolate milkshake with a side of vanilla ice cream covered in hazel cream."
     "That does sound amazing. I better fill up on the food. Are we getting appetizers?"
     "If you want to. I love their appetizers. But, of you're getting those two dishes for food and dessert, I wouldn't recommend appetizers."
     "When will we get to order our food? All of this talking of food is making me hungry."
     "All this talking is actually us ordering our food through this voice machine here. Our food should be here within one to two minutes. They cook fast. Be warned the exploding chocolate is actually very messing, I would recommend wearing a bib that covers most of your clothing."
     "Okay. Thank you."
     "You're welcome." Our food arrived soon after I put the bib on. "Now, let's eat." I dug into my lot of food. Let me tell you, it was the best food I have ever had in my life time.

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